6 Methods To Solve YI Home Camera Playback Not Working

yi home camera playback not working
yi home camera playback not working

The Playback features on the YI Home camera have always been a bit buggy, and you need to keep track of a lot of things to get consistent performance from this feature. If you’re also struggling with the YI Home Camera playback, then there is no need to get alarmed about this situation. You’ll have to go through a few fixes to get the desired response from the YI Home Camera playback.

Most of the time, the problem with the Playback can be linked to the storage device. The formatting on the SD card is the primary reason behind this issue. So, if you’re in the same boat with the YI Home Camera Playback not working, try following through with these fixes.

How to Fix YI Home Camera Playback Not Working?

  1. Check Router Connection

If you’re struggling with a patchy connection and the app is taking too long to load the playback, then the issue is with your connection and not the device itself. So, you need to refresh the network connection by rebooting the router.

Most of the time, a quick reboot is more than enough to address connection-related issues. You won’t have to go through a factory reset to fix a patchy connection, and the situation should improve once you go closer to the router.

  1. Use Your Computer

You can directly watch the playback by removing the SD card from the camera and connecting it with your computer. If the card is not corrupted, then you’ll be able to access the individual storage files through the camera. Even though the playback won’t be continuous, it is much better than the patchy video you’ll be able to view on the application. So, keep that in mind when you’re struggling with playback issues.

  1. Try Formatting The SD Card

Reformatting the SD card should be your next move if the issue is not fixed at this point. You might just be dealing with a formatting issue, and switching to the FAT32 format should address the situation. You’ll have to pair up your SD card with the PC to reformat the storage device. So, keep that in mind and switch to the FAT32 format when the YI home camera playback is not working accordingly.

  1. Improve Storage Capacity

The storage capacity is the next thing that you need to isolate when dealing with these issues. Sometimes, low storage on the SD card will lead to lags and patchy video through the application. So, if you’re in the same boat, now is a good time to upgrade the storage device.

An SD card upgrade is not that expensive, and you’ll enjoy better performance over the next few years. So, try to set aside some budget for this camera and then check the response from the camera. Hopefully, you won’t be disappointed with its performance.

  1. Check For Hardware Issues

Hardware problems can also point to the same problems, and you need to thoroughly check the camera for damages. If the port is in rough condition, you need to take your camera to a repair center and have it fixed.

You can’t do much about hardware issues yourself, and the smarter decision is to leave this job to the progressions. So, save yourself the hassle of going through more troubleshooting methods and try to contact a local expert about this issue.

  1. Claim Warranty 

The warranty policy on the YI Home Cameras is also pretty decent. You won’t have to worry about anything if the claim is indeed valid. The dealer should provide you with a replacement after inquiring more about the situation. So, if your purchase was recent, make sure to reach out to the dealer and have him help you with a quick replacement. Hopefully, you won’t have to bother with the same playback issues when using the new device.

Overall, the majority of issues with the smart device playback can be linked to a poorly formatted SD card and a bad network connection. So, there is a decent chance that your issue will be fixed as soon as you reformat the card and improve the network. Otherwise, you can always reset the device and then seek help from official support when the issue with the playback is not fixed after formatting the card.

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