Wouldn’t it be nice to have a smart robot vacuum clean up all the dirt while you sip your favorite drink? That’s what these smart electronics are all about and more.
The smart robot vacuum is electronically engineered to clean and remove dirt from carpets, the floor, cushions and difficult to reach areas. The sleek design of these smart robots makes it easy to reach and clean places your regular vacuum cleaners can’t reach.
What is a Smart Robot Vacuum?
Smart robot vacuums can be hand controlled or left to roam automatically around your room. These devices can clean up dust, remove hair, and dirt you may not be able to get rid of using other cleaning methods.
You can also use a smart robot vacuum to clean floors made from wood. They get the cleaning job done quickly and return to the docking station without human assistance.
How they work
Smart robots have intelligent systems that make it easy for you to use them. You can set them up in the docking station and program the cleaning schedule with your smartphone. Smart robot vacuums work autonomously. They can memorize cleaning patterns according to your preferences. For example, if you would prefer your rooms to be cleaned in a particular order, this schedule can be set for your smart robot vacuum.
Also, cleaning can be set for the entire house, which includes the kitchens, and rooms, however, if you have upper floors, you will need to carry the smart robot vacuum up the stairs to get those places cleaned.
Cleaning around obstacles
The smart robot vacuum has sensors installed in the system. These sensors make it possible for smart robots to clean every part of your home without hitting or knocking things over. The sensors detect obstacles, and the vacuum cleans around the furniture or object without causing a problem.
It will be a great idea to lift and remove obstacles from the space to be cleaned. However, if there is a space under the furniture, such as your chairs, you can relax. The smart robot vacuum will find its way under the furniture or obstacle and get that area cleaned.
Monitoring the smart robot vacuum
You can keep tabs on the smart robot vacuum if you wish. There are many features that can be used to achieve this goal. For example, some smart robot vacuums come with in-built cameras that send videos you can stream on your smartphone or tablets.
This way, you can watch its movements, or find out which part of your home the device is cleaning at that time. The cameras also allow you to discover any problems your smart robot vacuum may have encountered while cleaning, such as a playful pet that wouldn’t let the robot do its job.
Integrating smart robot vacuums with a smart home hub
You can also integrate the controls of your smart robot vacuum with your central control hub for smart homes. With this feature, you can set general schedules for your home because every smart feature can be controlled from one app. For example, you can create customized schedules that activate your smart robot vacuum to start working at a particular time, or very early to get your home cleaned before the children wake up in the morning.
Using smart robot vacuums with voice assistants
You can enjoy the convenience of using your smart robot vacuum with virtual smart assistants such as Alexa or Siri. This is how it works; you can issue commands to your smart robot vacuum from any part of your home or when you are at your workplace.
You can instruct Alexa to activate the smart robot to clean your kitchen floor or other parts of your home. When this instruction is given, Alexa executes the demand via its connection with the smart robot vacuum. They can be connected via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
Here are some reasons you should get these smart robot vacuums
These smart devices can clean your home without any problems. You will hardly find dirt anywhere when they clean according to pre-set schedules. With these smart robot cleaners, you can forget about the stress of bending down and walking around with a regular vacuum cleaner to get your home cleaned.
The design
These smart robot vacuums have sleek designs; they look classy and futuristic. That’s not all, the design of these smart robots make it easy to reach every part of your home. Some of the smart robot vacuums you will find in the market have bins attached to them; this helps to increase the dirt collected. Such robot vacuum cleaners can be used in commercial buildings with larger spaces.
Noiseless operation
These robot vacuums work without making disruptive sounds. When they are in use, you can go about doing other things in your home without any distraction.
You can use smart robot vacuums to clean wood floors, carpets or other types of floor finishing. They are suitable to pick up dirt, pet hair, or small debris from the floor. You can set up these smart cleaners on cushions and mattresses to clean the surfaces as well.
Setting boundaries
If you would not want your smart robot vacuum to reach particular parts of your home you can set boundaries. This can be done by using markers that prevent the robot from reaching those areas. You can also set boundaries by using the mobile app for your smart robot vacuum.
These smart robot vacuums work efficiently, so you will hardly need to do any more cleaning after they are done. Some features to look out for when buying a smart robot cleaner include, compatibility with your smart home hub, smart navigation systems to cover your home, cameras and trackers to help you locate the device in your home, performance, and consistency, and the use of a docking station where your smart robot returns after cleaning.
In the market, you will find smart robot vacuum brands such as Eufy Robovac, iRobot Roomba, Neato Botvac, and other brands.