WeMo Lights are one of the most economical and future-oriented smart lights that add the right sense of comfort and utility to your lives and make your experience a whole lot better.
Normally, these lights are connected over Wi-Fi, so you will not have any issues with the optimization or connection.
However, when it comes to the basic configurations and installation, managing these systems can be a bit difficult.
So, you will find that the majority of owners rely on seasoned professionals when it comes to managing this system. So, be sure to hire a local expert to help with the installation here.
This is especially true for owners that are not that experienced working with power connections, and you will only be putting yourself at risk of electrocution.
Fix WeMo Light Switch Not Detected
For this reason, you should avoid the installation altogether and spend a bit more cash on hiring a local expert.
Here will help you avoid a ton of issues with the system. However, if you have already installed the unit yourself and are having some sort of issues with the app stating “WeMo Light Switch Not Detected,” here is how you can fix it.
1) Restart the Device
The first thing that you should try to make it work is restarting the device from scratch, and that is going to help you a lot.
What you need to do here is turn off the device and close your app as well. Then, turn it back on and restart your app.
This should be enough to solve the issue, as any bugs or errors that might be causing you to face such problems will be essentially wiped out, and you will not have to deal with such problems again.
2) Reset the Device
The next thing that you can try, and you must give it a go, is trying a reset on your device. This should be pretty easy, and you will have to take the light out of your power socket and let it sit for a minute or two.
After that, you need to plug the bulb back in, and it will automatically reset. Once the bulb has been reset, it should be able to connect with the Wi-Fi.
You will not have to deal with any issues or error messages stating that your bulb is not being detected by the application.
3) Update the App
You might be running an application version that has some bug or error on it, or it might not be the latest version of the application.
So, for such instances, you need to uninstall the application and then restart your smartphone.
Afterward, you are going to install the latest version of your application from the relevant app store, and that will solve the issue for you.
One more thing that you should take care of before you proceed with the troubleshooting steps is to make sure that your application is running on the same Wi-Fi network and the smartphone is connected to the right Wi-Fi router, and that is going to solve the problem for you.
4) Check the Wi-Fi router
If you have tried everything above and you are seeing that the orange light is blinking on the bulb’s Wi-Fi status.
That would mean that the bulb has a hard time connecting to the internet, and that is what causes you to have these issues.
So, check on your Wi-Fi router and make sure that it is running on the 2.4 GHz frequency.
You will also need to check on any VPNs and MAC filtering to ensure that the WeMo Light is able to connect with the Wi-Fi router.
Once you check on the settings, restart your router, and that will solve the problem for good.
5) Limit Interferences
You should also check up on the interference side of things to isolate the issues here. If you’re not that sure about the inferences, then the problem can be a bit hard to manage to say the least.
All that you need to do is to make sure that the number of wireless units in your room is limited.
To confirm the interference side of things, you should first try to turn off all of the extra units in the house.
From there, you can then power cycle the router as well as the light switch from the circuit breaker.
After a few minutes, turn the router on and then follow through with the light switch. Allow them to establish a connection and then check up on the device status.
If the light switch is available through the application, then you will be sure that this issue is related to the interference side of things.
Now, you can either decide to keep the smart units removed or rely on a hub to centralize the controls while decluttering the inference side of things. Hopefully, that will be it, and you will not have to bother with the same complications again.
6) Check For Hardware Issues
At this point, you should also check up on the hardware side of things. You have to thoroughly inspect the switch for damages or cracks.
It is possible that the switch got damaged during delivery. Even with all of the bubble wrap and the padding, some units can get damaged during the delivery process.
Luckily, you’re not liable for any of these damages and can reach out to the dealer for a fresh replacement. All that you have to do is to contact the experts and have them provide you with a new unit.
They will inquire more about the situation, and you can provide them with proof of damage as well as the receipt to solve the issue. There are no other options here, and you will have to go through the hassle of getting a new unit.
Otherwise, you will have to spend more cash on purchasing new light switches for your smart home. So, be sure to reach out when you’re stuck.
7) Check The Wiring Status
The wiring side of things can also lead to the same situation where you will not be able to get any response out of the unit.
This can be pretty annoying, to say the least, but you’re not left with many choices when it comes to adjusting the power supply to the switch.
Most of the time, the issue is with the ignored maintenance, and you need to make sure that the power connections are not damaged. Here, you need to always turn off the main power source before inspecting the power connections.
Otherwise, you will end up electrocuting yourself, and there are just too many cases of owners electrocuting themselves while trying to optimize and adjust the system. Hopefully, that will give you more perspective on the situation.
8) Contact An Expert
Lastly, you should just reach out to a local expert about these issues. Getting help from the locals is never a bad idea when you’re unsure about the situation.
All that you need to do is to explain your end and spend a bit of cash on hiring an expert.
From there, fixing the unit will come pretty easily to you, and you will not have to deal with as many errors. The expert will not only help you navigate this situation but will also inform you on how to best utilize the switch.
So, instead of spending hours on hours trying to fix the switch yourself, make the smarter decision to leave this job to the professionals.
You will thank yourself for this decision and won’t have to worry about as many errors.
Hopefully, that will be it, and you will not have to worry about more complications when it comes to adjusting the WeMo switch. Just be sure to get appropriate assistance.
Wrapping Up
The situation with the WeMo light switching being undetectable is more common than you might think, and it can mostly be related to the network side of things.
If you’re not that sure about the issue yourself, try checking up on the connection side of things first. This might save you a lot of hassle, and you will not have to deal with any more errors if you’re lucky.
However, if you’re sure that the network side of things is managed properly, then you have to look at the wiring status and hardware issues.
One more thing that you can do is limit the interference and the number of wireless devices in the room. That will help you get a better response out of the system, and you will not have to worry about as many errors.
So, be sure to keep all that in mind when you’re stuck in the same errors. Lastly, you just have to call it a day and call in an expert. There is a good chance that you messed up with the installation, or the power connections are in poor shape.
Either way, you need to ensure the involvement of an expert to help you navigate these errors.