10 Approaches To Fix Wansview IP Camera Not Detected

wansview ip camera not detected
wansview ip camera not detected

If your Wansview IP camera is not being detected, a few potential issues could be the cause. Below, we’ll walk through some troubleshooting steps to help you get your camera up and running again.

Wansview IP Camera Not Detected Fix:

  1. Check Power Adapter

First, ensure your power adapter is properly plugged in, and the connection is secure. If the adapter is loose, it may not be supplying enough power to the camera and could cause it to malfunction. Check the power adapter is properly plugged in and that the camera receives power. If the light on the camera is not lit, try plugging the power adapter into a different outlet.

  1. Check Camera Settings

Look at your camera’s settings to ensure everything is configured correctly. In particular, check the following:

– The date and time are set correctly. If the date and time are incorrect, the camera may not be able to connect to the network.

– The IP address is set correctly. The IP address should be same as the router’s IP address for the two to communicate.

– The Wi-Fi connection is enabled and configured correctly. The camera must be connected to the same Wi-Fi network as the router to communicate.

If any settings are incorrect, make the necessary changes and try connecting again.

  1. Restart Camera and Router

If you checked the power adapter and internet connection and the camera still isn’t working, try restarting the camera. Restart by unplugging the power adapter from the camera and waiting a few seconds before plugging it back in. If your camera isn’t being detected, try restarting the camera and the router. This will clear potential connection issues and allow the two devices to communicate properly. Power off the camera and unplug it. Next, power off the router and unplug it from the power outlet. Wait a few minutes, then plug the router and turn it on. Once the router works, plug in the camera and turn it on.

  1. Update Firmware

If you still have issues with your Wansview IP camera, try updating the firmware. You can usually find the latest firmware on the manufacturer’s website. Once you have downloaded the update, follow the instructions to install it on your camera. After the firmware has been updated, restart the camera and try connecting again. Updating the firmware can often fix bugs and improve compatibility with new devices.

  1. Plug Network Cable Properly

Check that the network cable is plugged in and that the camera is connected to your home router or network switch. If the cable is not plugged in, the camera will not be able to connect to the network.

  1. Replace the Damaged Network Cable

If the network cable is damaged, it will need to be replaced to establish a connection. Inspect the cable for damage like fraying or breaks in the wire. If the cable is damaged, it requires a replacement.

  1. Refresh IP Address

If you’ve recently made changes to your network or router, you may need to refresh the IP address on your camera. To do this, go to the Camera Settings menu and select “Refresh IP Address.” This will update the camera’s IP address and allow it to connect to the network.

  1. Check Wi-Fi Settings

If you’re using Wi-Fi to connect your camera, check that the password is entered correctly and that the signal strength is strong enough. If you’re using a wireless connection, check to make sure that the signal is strong enough. If you’re too far from the router, the signal may be too weak and cause camera problems.

  1. Change Browser

Try accessing the camera’s web interface from a different browser or computer. If you’re still having trouble, try resetting the camera to its factory defaults and reconfiguring it.

  1. Factory Reset

If you have tried all of the above troubleshooting steps and your camera isn’t working, you may need to factory reset the device. This will erase all settings on the camera, so back up any important data before proceeding. To factory reset your Wansview IP camera, press and hold the reset button for about 10 seconds.

Contact customer support for further assistance if you’ve followed all the troubleshooting steps above and your Wansview IP camera still isn’t working.

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