A damper is a device that helps you control airflow throughout your home. Usually, you’ll notice that the temperature is never the same in every room of your house. Especially if your house has multiple stories. That’s where damper comes into play, using dampers we can regulate the airflow to achieve uniform temperature throughout the house.
Dampers are known to malfunction from time to time, if you’re having trouble getting your Trol-A-Temp damper to work then you can follow along with the mentioned fixes to potentially sort out your issue.
How to Fix Trol-A-Temp Damper Not Working?
- Check Voltage
The first thing that you need to check is the voltage. It is one of the most common reasons why your damper is not closing/opening. Go through the user manual to check the voltage requirements for your damper motor. After that get a Multimeter and check the voltage from the power outlet.
If it is less than recommended on the user manual then you need to replace the power outlet or get an electrician to take a look at your power system.
- Defective Damper Motor
If the damper has been installed for a long time and has just started to malfunction then it is highly likely that the damper motor might be getting defective. In which scenario you should just grab yourself a motor replacement and change the motor from the damper system. You can do it yourself but we recommend that you get a trained professional to do it for you. This will save you time and also make sure that the motor is installed correctly.
- Check Wiring
Most often than not because of bad wiring during the installation process, the damper might not work properly. How can you expect your damper to work if it is not getting the appropriate power flow? Just cut the power from the mainline and start checking the wiring system, replace any wire you think is damaged. Make sure they’re connected to their proper terminals and turn the main power back on.
- Zone Panel
Sometimes it can also be the case that the zone panel is not directing commands to the damper system to open or close. In which case you should try resetting the zone panel altogether. Even if the thermostats are working properly if the zone panel is malfunctioning it won’t let the damper motor allow or stop the airflow. You can follow the user manual if you’re not aware of how to reset the zone panel.
- Customer Support
If you’re not sure what your issue is, then we recommend that you contact customer support from where you bought the damper system. They will help you pinpoint the issue and also guide you through each step on how you can solve this problem. If you are just looking to save time then getting a trained professional to take a look at your damper system might just be the right move. He will check the wiring, the motor, zone panel, and everything else for you to fix the problem.