6 Things To Do If Sylvania DVD Player Is Not Reading Disc

sylvania dvd player not reading disc
sylvania dvd player not reading disc

Sylvania DVD players don’t have a decent reputation in the market, and you will see many dissatisfied customers associated with this brand. You won’t get a consistent response from this unit, and it can be a struggle to get the DVD player to work. So, if you’re in the market for a new DVD player, then going with Sylvania is not the best option.

However, if you’ve already spent the money on the Sylvania DVD player and can’t get any response from this smart device, then there are a few troubleshooting methods that can help you through this situation. Just follow through with some of these steps, and that should be enough to fix the Sylvania DVD player when it is not reading the disc.

Sylvania DVD Player Not Reading Disc Fix:

  1. Check Gear Alignment

The gear alignment can fall off when you’re using this disc player for an extended period, and there is a good chance that you’re in the same situation. While opening up the DVD player is not always the safest idea, you might have to do just that to fix the alignment. So, try taking apart the DVD player and realigning the spinning gears that rotate the disc inside the player. That should be enough to get everything with the Sylvania DVD player in order.

  1. Service the Unit

Sometimes, all your unit needs is a bit of cleaning, and you need to service the DVD player to get it back in perfect shape. There might be debris stuck on the tray as well as the disc itself, and you need to rely on a microfiber cloth to get rid of the gunk. It will take a bit of time to get rid of all the dirt, but you’re not left with many options when it comes to getting the Sylvania DVD player working again.

  1. Clean Up Laser Lens

It is also possible that the laser lens is not in good shape, and you need to gently clean up the laser section on your DVD player to get ahead of this reading issue. So, if the issue is not fixed at this stage, then you need to clean up the laser as well. If the laser lens is damaged, you won’t have any luck with the device, and you’ll need to look for a replacement.

  1. Try A Different Disc

At this point, you just rely on a different disc to get the unit working again. There is a decent chance that the disc is damaged, and you need to narrow down on the problem by trying a different disc. If the unit does work with a different disc, then you’ll be sure that the problem was with the disc and not your laser section. However, if the issue remains with another device as well, then your device might be defective. So, make sure to improve your understanding of the issue by using a different disc.

  1. Use A Different Power Source

Using a different power source is also a great idea to isolate the issue with your DVD player. Problems with the power source often impact the reading performance of the unit, and your only option is to rely on a different power source. So, make sure to check out the Sylvania DVD player when it is not reading the disc and then try out the system one more time. If you’re lucky, you won’t have to bother with any more fixes, and the unit will start reading whenever you add new discs to the tray.

  1. Claim Warranty

Claiming the warranty on your Sylvania DVD player is not that bad of an option as well when you’re not able to get any response from the unit. Your device might be defective, and you will need to reach out to the experts to secure a replacement. Claiming the warranty will help you secure a fresh piece with the laser piece in good shape. So, just go through with the warranty claim and then check the response from your device.

Overall, the issue will be fixed by a bit of cleaning, and you won’t have to deal with more issues. However, if the problem remains unfixed even after going through all of these fixes, then you need to call the dealer for a new unit.

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