6 Things You Can Do If Sonos Keeps Disconnecting

Sonos Keeps Disconnecting
Sonos Keeps Disconnecting

Let’s face it, nobody likes to face disconnections, especially if you own a smart audio system in the house. Unfortunately, plenty of Sonos users have seemingly encountered various disconnecting issues that have caused an uproar in the community.

Today, our article will be focused on sharing solutions to solve similar disconnection issues with Sonos. So, if you have a Sonos device that keeps on disconnecting, then you have come to the right place! Here are all the possible things that you can try for getting rid of these issues:

Fixing Sonos Keeps Disconnecting

  1. Updating Firmware

The first thing that you will need to do if you notice your Sonos device disconnecting for no reason at all could be to update your firmware. Keeping an older version of firmware can cause all sorts of issues. This is why these companies like to roll out updates every now and then.

When they do, you have to make sure that you update your device’s firmware as well. To do this, you will have to navigate to your Sonos app. Go to More > Settings > System Update > Check for Updates. Likewise, if there are any updates that are currently available, your Sonos device should update.

  1. Checking Your Network

The reason why you keep getting disconnected could have to do with your internet connection. In cases like these, you should definitely start with giving your router a restart. If that does not seem to help, then we suggest inspecting the connection for anything that might be out of the usual.

If you do find anything wrong with your network, you will have to ask your ISP to fix it for you. Alternatively, you can try connecting to a different network for the time being to see if that helps.

  1. Possible Power Issue

There’s also the chance that you might have some sort of power issues with the Sonos device. As a result, your Sonos device might be disconnecting because of insufficient power. To confirm whether this is the case, we highly recommend that you ensure to check the power source.

  1. Limit the Number of Devices

Your Sonos device can only have a certain limit of accounts and devices that can connect to it. If you seem to have crossed this limit, your device will start struggling to keep up with any connection.

Similarly, if you wish to prevent this from happening, make sure that you limit the number of accounts as well as devices. Once you do, you should no longer have any trouble connecting your Sonos device.

  1. Resetting Your Device

Another thing you can try is to reset your Sonos device. Though before you do, it is essential to keep in mind that this will wipe out all the stored settings inside your device’s memory. Due to this, you will also have to set up all your devices again.

As far as resetting the device is concerned, you should be able to learn the process by reading the user manual guide. As each device may have a slightly different process for resetting, you can read all about it from Sonos’s official website.

  1. Contacting Support

Your last resort would be to get in touch with the support team and ask them for further help on the matter. As the team should be able to figure out the reason why your device is disconnecting, be sure to let them know all about it.

Similarly, once they have had a good look at your case, they should be able to advise what you should do next.

The Bottom Line:

Sick with your Sonos device that keeps disconnecting? Most of the time, these types of issues occur when there is a network problem. Although, this does not mean that you should rule out all other possibilities. This is why we have listed each and every troubleshooting step that you can try. So, ensure that you go through the instructions that you can find in the article above.

1 thought on “6 Things You Can Do If Sonos Keeps Disconnecting”

  1. Well, that all sounds do-able even for me (82 yrs old). It took over 4 hours, over two days, to get this sorted last year, and now it’s happening again. My partner wears hearing aids and needs the surround sound, and making the sound level louder on the tv is useless.
    Hopefully this will work, otherwise Sky will get a bollocking……….


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