For those of you looking to have more control over your house, the Samsung SmartThings is a fantastic thing to have. Through this particular app, users are allowed to monitor and control all compatible smart devices in their home.
However, such apps can often run into problems that can ruin the experience. Regarding this, users have been complaining about their Samsung SmartThings schedule not working. If you seem to be one of them, then you have come to the right place! Using this article, we will be taking a look at all the possible ways how you can fix this issue for good. So, here is what you should know:
How to Fix Samsung SmartThings Schedule Not Working?
- Disable Battery Saver Mode
The first reason why you can have the app start acting up is because of your phone’s power save mode being turned on. More specifically, your phone could be running low on battery. If that is the case, then most phones come with the option of automatically turning on battery saver mode.
In this mode, most of your phone’s functionality is limited in order to save more battery. The same goes for the apps that are installed on your phone, as their background activity is limited. So, be sure to disable the battery saver mode if you notice your schedule not working on the app.
- Update the App
It is also possible that you might be running an older version of the app which might be causing issues. If that is the case, then you will have to make sure that you install the latest version of the app.
To do this, all you need to do is to visit your phone’s app store and locate Samsung SmartThings. Now, simply tap on the update option, after which it should be automatically downloaded and installed on the phone.
- Internet Issues
Having any kind of internet issues can also cause certain problems to surface. This is why we highly recommend that you make sure there isn’t any kind of problems with your internet.
You can try running an internet speed test on your browser to see if you are getting the right bandwidth speed. In case you do notice any issues, be sure to contact your ISP.
- Server Might Be Down
Lastly, the SmartThings servers may be down due to which certain features inside the app might not be working. If that is so, then there is nothing that you can do about it except wait. Normally, the issue should be resolved on its own.
The Bottom Line:
Frustrated with having your Samsung SmartThings schedule not working? Typically, what usually happens is that your phone’s battery saver mode may limit certain background activity which includes the schedule feature on the app. So, most of the time, the solution is as simple as turning off power saver mode on the phone.