Samsung Connect Home is basically a mesh router whereas SmartThings is a smart home hub. These are two very different products but they share a common quality that made us compare these two. Both of them have the quality to work as a SmartThings hub. In this article, we will give you information about the Samsung Connect router and discuss the conditions under which it can work as a SmartThing Hub.
Samsung Connect Vs SmartThings
Router features of Samsung Connect Home
First of all, let us discuss the router features of Samsung Connect Home. Samsung has made a marvelous addition to its list of already manufactured routers in the form of Samsung Connect but this time this one is their first-ever Wi-Fi mesh router.
To make you understand the working and efficiency let us see what a mesh router actually is. A mesh router is specifically designed to be placed in open spaces and eliminates Wi-Fi dead zones without doing any harm to the internet speed. It usually acts as a gateway sort of thing and helps you connect your multiple routers with one modem.
Then there is another amazing feature present in a mesh router. It has a unified SSID which helps you keep the same network name for all the routers. The mesh routers are also known for their strong connectivity through which they create a mesh-like blanket of Wi-Fi signals that cover the entire space of your house.
How does Samsung Connect Home work as a router?
Although the Connect home is an average quality router as Samsung is not entirely efficient in making router but even then it compares very well to the google Wi-Fi and looks much better than Eero when compared on paper. Another great thing is its pro version. This one is considered superior to all. There is still room for improvement though, but the working of the router is fine.
SmartThings Phone Application
Samsung Connect is controlled by a smart home application. The application can be used for the configuration of the router and can control your internet usage as well. The unique point about this application is that it is the same application that is used to control the SmartThings appliances and Samsung Smart appliances. If you invest in Samsung and SmartThings products it will make your life way easier.
Samsung Connect Home’s Working As A SmartThings Hub
Samsung Connect Home has this amazing quality of being able to be connected to other connectivity standards such as Bluetooth 4.1, Zigbee, and Z-Wave. Therefore, if you have got devices that belong to the Smart home ecosystem you can either use SmartThings Hub or the Samsung Connect Home.
Application Comparison
Initially, the Samsung Connect Hope application was a disaster. It was so difficult to use whereas in comparison to this the SmartThings Hub was much more smooth running and easy to use. Therefore, it was always preferred over the Samsung Connect Application. However, things changed when Samsung launched its new SmartThings (Connect Home) application. They based it on the original SmartThings application. They also installed a number of new features in it. This is how they covered the technological difference.
What Is Better?
After looking at the working of both the applications let us now get to the conclusion that which one of these is better and should be preferred. Now as the same application is being used in the Samsung Connect Home and SmartThings, one must go for Samsung Connect because it provides you with the router as well as the hub. If you are already using SmartThings there is no need to replace it because it will work fine but when it comes to buying a new one you should definitely choose the Samsung Connect Home.
Some More Details
The idea used in the Samsung Connect Homes is very innovative and unique. Samsung Connect Homes offer you easy ways to declutter your smart homes and help you manage them well. You can buy them without having any second thoughts and we are sure that they won’t disappoint you as Samsung has worked hard on overcoming its flaws and shortcomings with such efficiency that we all are in awe.