Roomba is a smart robot that keeps on roaming around your house to clean the floor. It is quite easy to set it up. All you have to do is the first map your house completely, which can take up to 4 hours, depending on how big your house is.
After that, just select which areas you want it to clean from the mobile app, and you’ll be all set. It is one of the easiest robots to set up and will serve you for decades if you keep track of its maintenance.
Similarly, if you ignore the maintenance, you can’t expect more than a few months out of this unit. It all comes down to how you’re planning on taking care of the cleaning robot.
Spending a few minutes each day clearing out the dustbin and adjusting the unit will serve you well.
How to Fix Roomba Clean Button Not Working?
So, be sure to keep track of those pointers when you can’t seem to get a good enough response from the Roomba.
Some users have been having trouble getting the clean button to work on their Roomba. Here are a few potential fixes that you can follow to sort out this problem. So, be sure to follow along this list of fixes when you seem to be stuck.
- Check Batteries
The most probable cause for this error is faulty or drained batteries. You have to make sure that after pressing the clean button, the LED indicators light up.
Depending upon which model you’re using, you’ll see either a green or white light. If you don’t see any light turning on, then you should try charging your Roomba again or Replacing the batteries.
Once the batteries are replaced then, try using the clean button to see if the indicators light up or not.
If the indicators are still not working, then it is likely that there is something wrong with the internal circuits, and you’ll need to take your Roomba to a repair center to get it fixed.
- Hold the Button
Another fix you can try is holding the clean button for around 15 seconds and then releasing the button.
You’ll hear a beep go off, and a white LED indicator will light up. After that, wait for your device to boot up, and then try using the Clean button to check if that fixes the problem for you.
- Power Cycle
For some users, simply power cycling their Roomba sorted out the problem. So, make sure you give that a try by removing the power source and then adding it back in after waiting for around 30 seconds.
It might sound like a basic fix, but it has helped countless owners with their systems. For this reason, you should also give this method a shot and try to proceed with a quick power cycle.
That will be more than enough to have you sorted through the majority of programming-related bugs. From there, you can check up on the programming side of things one more time.
Ideally, fixing these errors will come easily to you, and you will not have to bother with a reset. So, if you keep track of the unit’s maintenance, the issue will be addressed right here.
- Reset The Unit
Sometimes, you will have to rest the unit to get ahead of these errors. Now, a reset might not seem like the best thing at first, but you’re not left with many choices.
A huge drawback here is that you will lose all of the configurations when following through with these pointers.
However, a reset is still one of the most effective methods when it comes to fixing programming-related errors.
So, if you find that the hardware is not damaged and the robot itself is perfectly clean, be sure to follow through with a quick reset.
Once you’re through with the reset, you can start setting up the unit from scratch after pairing it up with your mobile device. It will take a ton of your time, but you will surely be able to secure a consistent response out of the smart unit after that.
- Clear Out The Dustbin & Filter
Another thing that you might have to check regarding the response from the clean button is the status of the Dustbin and the filter.
When the filter is clogged up, or the dustbin is full to the mark, it will not engage the robot as there is no space for the dust to go in.
So, you will have to address these errors accordingly. The only reasonable thing that you can do here is to remove the dustbin and then empty it out. This is especially true if you don’t clean out the dustbin on a regular basis.
From there, you can also check up on the dust filters to make sure that they are not clogged. While some owners like to blast the filters with compressed air to clean them up, the better thing here is to get a new filter for your unit.
It will not have a huge impact on your budget, and you will notice a significant improvement in the performance of your unit.
So, be sure to proceed with a quick cycle when you’re stuck in these errors, and there aren’t any other errors left here.
Ideally, your situation will be addressed right here, and you will not have to deal with more errors on your end. So, be sure to follow along with all of these pointers, and you might just be able to get a decent response from the clean button.
- Check Contact Points
At this point, you should cycle back to the battery status and make sure that the issue is not related to that.
Even if you’re leaving the unit out to charge for a couple of hours, gunk and debris on the connection points can hinder its performance.
You will not be able to get any response out of the Roomba unit when the gunk is clogging up the unit. So, be sure to keep that in mind and then check contact points one more time.
It will barely take a few moments to wipe away the gunk, and then you can place the Roomba back on the cleaning station.
This time around, make sure that the contact points are making proper engagement and the unit has started to charge.
Similarly, you should also consider changing the outlet as it is not that rare for power issues from the outlet to complicate this situation.
So, you will have to avoid that outcome and switch over to a different outlet if you’re stuck with the same errors. Ideally, that will be more than enough to help you address these issues and you will be able to get back on track in no time.
- Check For Hardware Issues
If the issue with the Roomba is not addressed at this stage, then the possibility of hardware issues increases by a huge margin.
Sadly, there is not much that you can do about these issues, and you will have to go through the proper channel to get help from the dealer.
He will take a peek at your case and then start verification of your warranty claim. Most of the time, all the verification done will be on his end, and you will not have to struggle a lot to adjust these issues. So, be sure to check for hardware issues.
There is not much that you can do on your own when you’re new to the market and don’t know how to adjust or manage smart cleaning robots.
It is always a good option to rely on a seasoned expert that brings years of professional knowledge to the table.
He will not only make your life easier, but you will be able to go through the relevant fixes pretty easily.
Hopefully, that will be it when you can’t seem to get a good response from the clean button, and the dealer will provide you with a new unit.
However, as a last shot, you can still attempt to service the clean button itself. You might still get lucky enough to receive an optimal response from the unit.
- Service The Clean Button
Depending upon which model you’ve bought, it will either have mechanical buttons or touch buttons.
If it has mechanical buttons and you’re having trouble getting the buttons to work, then it is likely that some dirt got trapped below the button.
Which is not letting the button press to register. Simply use a vacuum or a blower to remove the dirt, and your button should start working properly.
- Contact Supplier
If nothing seems to work for you, then we recommend that you contact the supplier that sold you this device. Explain the defect and demand a replacement order.
You can also contact the customer support of the specific brand your device belongs to. Explain your issue in great detail and ask for help.
This will ensure that you’ll receive help from a professional that can guide you through every step of the way. So, send them an email and wait for their response.
The power cycling fixed it. Thanks!