10 Approaches To Solve Reolink Camera Will Not Reset

reolink camera will not reset
reolink camera will not reset

Reolink cameras are a good choice for security and surveillance. However, like any other type of camera, they can have issues that prevent them from working properly. One such issue is when the camera will not reset. If your Reolink camera is not resetting, a few potential issues could be causing the problem. Here are a few troubleshooting tips to help you get your camera reset and working properly again:

-Turn on the camera

-Restart the camera

-Check the power supply

-Recharge the battery

-Check the connection to the router

-Make sure Reolink servers are online

-Check the settings on the camera

-Update firmware on the camera

-Delete files on the SD card to create space

-Install updates

Let’s have a detailed overview of how to follow the step-by-step guide to fixing the Reolink camera, not resetting.

Fixing Reolink Camera Will Not Reset

  1. Restart Camera

Check to make sure that the camera is turned on. If it is turned off, press the power button to turn it on. If the camera is already on, try restarting it by pressing and holding the power button for 5-10 seconds.

  1. Check the Power Supply.

Ensure that the power supply is properly connected and provides enough power to the camera. If the power supply is not functioning properly, it could prevent the camera from resetting. If the battery is low, it will need to be recharged before the camera can be reset. To do this, connect the camera to the power adapter using the USB cable. Once the battery is fully charged, you should be able to reset the camera without any problem.

  1. Check The Connection Between The Camera And The Router

If the camera is not properly connected to the router, it may not be able to communicate with the Reolink servers and reset itself. Try unplugging and replugging the Ethernet cable between the camera and the router to see if that fixes the problem.

  1. Make Sure The Reolink Servers are Online.

If the Reolink servers are down or unavailable, the camera will not be able to reset itself. You can check the status of the Reolink servers by visiting their website or trying to access other Reolink services. If the servers are down, there is nothing you can do but wait for them to come back up.

  1. Restart The Camera

If all else fails, you can try restarting the camera. This will usually fix any temporary issues that may be preventing the camera from resetting. Unplug the power cord from the camera, wait a few seconds, and then plug it back in. The camera should now reset itself and start working properly again.

  1. Check the Settings on the Camera.

Sometimes, the settings can become changed, and this can cause problems with resetting the camera. Ensure that all of the settings are set correctly. If unsure how to do this, you can check the Reolink website or contact customer support for help. There are a few settings that could prevent the camera from resetting. To check these settings, go to the camera’s web interface and click “Settings.” Then, click on “System” and make sure that the “Enable Reset” setting is turned on.

  1. The SD Card May Be Full.

If the SD card is full, you will need to delete some of the files on it in order to make space for the reset process. To do this, connect the camera to your computer and delete some of the unnecessary files. Once there is enough space on the SD card, try resetting the camera again.

Once there is enough space on the SD card, you should be able to reset the camera without any problem.

  1. Update the Firmware on the Camera

If the problem persists, it is possible that there is an issue with the firmware on the camera. Consider updating the firmware to see if that fixes the problem. You can usually do this through the camera’s web interface.

  1. Check for Updates

Sometimes, there can be updates for the camera that need to be installed for the reset process to work properly. Make sure you have all the latest updates installed on the camera.

  1. Contact Reolink support. 

If you still have problems resetting your camera after trying all the tips mentioned, contact Reolink support.

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