While the majority of users are discouraged by the price tag of the Rachio sprinklers, they don’t consider the convenience and efficiency this unit brings to their setup. Statistics show that installing a smart sprinkler system is one of the best ways you can optimize water usage in your yard. So, spending a bit of the budget now will save you a lot of money in the form of the water bill.
With that said, a few complaints have recently been recorded on one Rachio sprinkler head having low pressure. If you’re struggling with a similar issue and the pressure from the sprinkler is not covering the desired radius, then the following solutions should help.
Rachio One Sprinkler Head Has Low Pressure
- Fix Leaks
If all the other zones are working perfectly and you’re dealing with low pressure on one section, then there is a good chance that you’re running into leaking problems. The underground pipeline can be damaged sometimes during installation, and it has a substantial impact on the pressure from one sprinkler head. So, you’ll have to check the pipeline and ensure that it is in perfect condition. Make sure to also check for debris or any dirt clogging up the outlets on the sprinkler’s head.
If the piping is damaged, then the only solution here is to install a replacement immediately. Otherwise, you will be wasting a lot of water, and the yard won’t get a proper supply of water. The replacement procedure is a bit demanding, and it might help to seek help from a general contractor if your yard is massive.
Ideally, the issue will be fixed once you clean the sprinkler head and replace leaking pipes connected to the sprinkler. So, make sure to inspect the system thoroughly and put extensive focus on cleaning the pipeline and sprinkler head.
- Check Crimps & Fittings
It is quite easy to find leaks within the system as the water will start to puddle up when you’re not getting the desired pressure from the sprinkler head. However, with debris and dirt stuck in the crimps and fittings attached to your crimps and fittings, you won’t be able to isolate the problem as easily. You’ll have to follow the piping path through the yard to isolate the problem with a clogged fitting or crimp that is securing your system.
There won’t be any puddles or water bubbling from the bottom, and you’ll have to manually inspect the fittings attached to the defective zone to get ahead of this problem. Once the issue has been isolated, you can easily remove the fitting and fix it again after cleaning the pipes and the fitting. That should help you get the desired pressure from the pipe, and it will be much easier to get through the issue.
Similarly, replacing the sprinkler head can also help you narrow down on the issue as you’ll be sure that the problem is not related to the clogged outlets. So, make sure to switch up the sprinkler head and try rerunning the system. You’ll be able to better maneuver the issue without running into any extensive problems.
- Check Controller
If you’re sure that there is no clogging or leaking problems with the pipeline, then the issue might be related to the controller and wiring installed in the system. If you’re lucky, then replacing the wiring attached to the defective zone controller can help you get ahead of this problem. Many users have pointed out that cleaning the corroded connection points and securing the wires again helps fix the pressure problems.
You should take a similar approach and recheck the configurations in the controller. There is a good chance that you’ll be running into wiring problems with the defective zone. So, just replace the wiring, and the issue will be fixed permanently.
You can also reach out to customer support and explain this situation to the experts. This is the best method for users that don’t want to spend hours in the troubleshooting process. All you need to do is call the experts working at customer support, and they will recommend specific troubleshooting steps that match the symptoms of your defective sprinkler system. So, if you’re unable to narrow down on the problem, just involve some experts, and the issue will be fixed in no time.