Owlet is not the most reliable baby monitor on the market, and options like Nanit and other baby accessories are far better than this unit. You’ll run into a ton of issues like Owlet saying your baby is awake even when the baby is sound asleep. This issue only points toward poor calibration and the sensitivity of the sensors. So, you’ll have to deal with the same situation when going with Owlet sensors.
However, if you’ve already made a purchase, going through some of these solutions will help you through the situation. So, when the Owlet says the baby is awake, even when it is not, just follow this guide.
Fixing Owlet Says Baby Is Awake When Not:
- Reconnect Unit With Smart App
While you can’t do much about the sensitivity of the sensors, minor bugs with the Owlet false alerts can be fixed by reconnecting the unit with the mobile application. So, when you’re getting the message that your baby is awake even when the baby is sound asleep, make sure to go through the pairing process one more time. This will address minor connectivity errors with the Owlet system, and there is no harm in power cycling the system.
- Make Sure You’re On An Updated Version
Sometimes, the issue is just related to the application, where it won’t be able to present accurate information on the screen. If you’re using an outdated version of the app or you have auto-update features disabled on the mobile device, you need to update the application to the latest version. It won’t take more than a few minutes, and you will be able to maneuver through these false alerts.
Even if you’re on an updated version of the smart application, there is no harm in reinstalling the app to address programming bugs. You can further choose to clear up the stored data to reset the app if the idea of downloading the app from scratch doesn’t sound that appealing to you.
- Try Tightening Up The Sock
When you’re not getting accurate readings from the sock, there is always a possibility that the sock is too loose and needs to be tightened up a bit. However, you should be careful while tightening up the sock, as too much pressure is never good for the baby.
So, slightly modify the fit and then check the response from the sleep sensors. If there were no programming issues with the sock, then adjusting these sensors should improve the overall accuracy of the device.
- Check For Movement
Even the smallest of movements is registered as the baby being awake on the Owlet. Though it is pretty expensive, you can’t expect a good level of reliability from this machine. So, you should check for movement whenever the Owlet unit sounds alert for when the baby is awake. If the baby is indeed moving, then you’ll know for sure that this unit is registering movement as the baby is awake.
- Reset Your Owlet Device
At this point, your best option is to simply reset the device to factory defaults. There is nothing more that you can do to fix these bugs with the Owlet unit saying that your baby is awake even when it is not. So, connect the sock to the base station and proceed with the reset. This will wipe everything from the unit, and you’ll have to set up everything from scratch to get the device working again. Luckily, the setup is not that extensive and won’t really take much of your time as you’re trying to reset the Owlet device.
- Find A Replacement
If the issue is not fixed even after resetting the device, you might just be dealing with a defective device. However, you shouldn’t expect much better results with a fresh piece either, as this device is primarily designed for monitoring oxygen and heart rate. Other than that, the sensors are not that reliable, and you’re best served with other alternatives.
So, instead of purchasing a fresh piece from Owlet, you should consider other options. You won’t have to bother with the same false alerts with other devices, and the reliability of units like Nanit or Sense-U is much better than Owlet sock.