The best thing about Nixplay is that you won’t have to pay a monthly subscription to make use of this frame. It is one of the most consistent smart frames on the market, and you’ll rarely come across users complaining about this frame. Even the minor bugs in Nixplay are easy to fix, and you won’t have to rely on extensive troubleshooting steps to get Nixplay fixed again. Moreover, the warranty will cover all hardware issues with the device.
If you’re planning on putting your money in Nixplay, the following list of common bugs with Nixplay and their fixes will help you get the most out of your investment. So, just follow through with this list, and you won’t have to worry about a thing.
Nixplay Troubleshooting
- Wi-Fi Problems
Wi-Fi issues are most common with Nixplay, and usually, these are simple bugs that can be fixed by power cycling the router. However, if you’re setting up the frame for the first time, then the issue might be with your channel bandwidth and credentials. When you’re using a dual-band router, it is a better idea to turn off the 5.0 GHz channel temporarily or change the credentials for the 5.0 GHz channel.
That will allow the device to only connect with the 2.4 GHz channel, and you need to further make sure that there are no special characters in the username and password of your Nixplay system. So, keep that in mind when you’re planning on using a Nixplay device.
- Alexa Skills Not Working
Many owners have shown their concern regarding Alexa skills not working, and the unit won’t respond to any user input through Alexa. This issue is not that serious and doesn’t directly impact the performance of your device, but you will still be annoyed when the smart skill stops working out of nowhere. So, if you’re in this situation, just remove the Nixplay frame skill from the Alexa unit and add it again.
Ninety percent of the time, you won’t have to do anything more to add Nixplay frame back to your smart skills. However, if you’re still stuck in the same problem after adding this new skill, just reset the frame and set up everything again. That will address all minor bugs with your smart device.
- Flickering Problems
Flickering problems with the device are also pretty common and can be linked to the memory accessories installed on the frame. If you’ve connected an SD card or other memory drive with the frame, try to remove it for a brief period. This will help you find out the compatibility of the Nixplay frame with the memory drive, and you will have to find a different memory device if the flickering issue is resolved after removing the SD card or USB from the frame.
Similarly, power issues can create this problem with the smart device, and you should also inform the customer support members regarding this issue. That way, you can claim the warranty if your unit is defective and is malfunctioning because of hardware issues.
- No Colors On Frame
Usually, no colors on certain pictures only mean that those files are corrupted, and you should browse through the whole album to find exceptions. However, if the issue is consistent for all pictures and you’re sure that the files are not corrupted, then you need to remove the memory device from the frame. The memory stick will sometimes draw too much power from the frame and cause the unit to malfunction.
On the other hand, if the issue is still present after removing the memory stick, then you’re dealing with hardware issues. The only fix here is to get the dealer involved and demand a replacement if the frame is indeed defective.
- Booting Problems
Booting issues with the frame are not that rare and stem from minor programming bugs. The good thing is that these programming bugs can be addressed quickly by power cycling the device. Once the device is powered up again, you won’t have to bother with the same errors. However, if, for some reason, booting problems persist, you can always reset the device to factory settings. That will surely address this complication with Nixplay.
my frame just has said “please wait” for days
I have had the same issue for a couple weeks now. have tried the reset with no success. have you found out anything yet?
How long do these frames last? I have one that is 4 years old and they are saying it out of warranty and they will give me 50% off. I am seeing a common thread from companies that control their products through apps, refusing to update specs through apps. How does a frame go bad just sitting on an end table?
This didn’t touch my problem. My W10 displays a photo for the chosen interval (e.g. 5 or 10 sec) then switches to the next, which it displays for just 1 or 2 sec. Then the screen goes white, followed by black, before displaying another photo. I’ve tried power cycling, wifi cycling, and resetting the device. Nixplay’s technicians are no help. Coincidentally, my son’s in-laws have the identical device of the same age and it’s begun behaving the same way. I wonder if there’s something in the signal from NixPlay. But aren’t my photos stored in my device? So do I even need WiFi? How do I turn it off without shutting down my router?