While you will be able to find more affordable fans in the market, Merwry maintains a decent spot with its amazing lineup of quiet ceiling fans.
You will find all sorts of options when sticking with this brand, and it is arguably one of the best units on the market. So, be sure to stick with this brand.
As long as you set up the unit perfectly, there won’t be any extensive errors or issues that you will have to deal with.
Fixing the unit will come fairly easily to you, and all that you need to do is spend a few hours trying to adjust the system. That will be more than enough to help you here.
How to Fix Merwry Ceiling Fan LED Light Not Working
Owners have been pretty delighted with the easy installation and speed control offered by Merwry ceiling fans. So, if you’re looking for a new ceiling fan, it might be a good idea to browse through the Merwry portfolio.
There are a ton of amazing models you can choose from, and the only complaint that users had with the Merwry ceiling fan is that the LED light will sometimes malfunction.
The good thing here is that you have a decent shot at fixing this issue by following these troubleshooting methods.
- Check Power
The first thing you should check is the power connection to the fan. The installation for the Merwry ceiling fan is pretty simple, but if you’re running into lighting issues, then you’ve likely messed up the power connections.
To isolate this issue with the power, try to use a voltage-measuring device, like a multimeter. That will help you narrow down the problem, and it will become much easier to find the defective sections in the wiring.
Most of the time, we will suggest that you reach out to an expert and have him guide you through these issues.
Fixing or attempting to fix the wiring connections yourself will only lead to a ton of situations where you will be putting yourself at risk.
So, if you don’t have professional experience, try and avoid it. You will have to reach out to a local expert here and have him service the power connections for you.
He will charge you a minimal fee, but that fee is much better than having to spend hours of your time trying to adjust the system. So, don’t hesitate to reach out.
A bit of your budget is a well-worth investment here, and we recommend that you hire an expert every six months to help you out.
He will make your life much easier, and you will not have to struggle with the situation on your own. Hopefully, that will be it, and you will not have to deal with more fixes.
- Clean Fixture
Sometimes, the presence of excessive dust and corrosion in the fixture can lead to power-related issues. So, you need to clean up the lighting fixtures to make sure that there are no issues with the power supply.
Otherwise, even if the wiring is in good shape, you won’t get anywhere with the LED lights.
All you need to do is to blow some air into the fixture and remove any extra build-up of corroded segments. After that, you can go ahead and check the wiring again.
Nine times out of ten, blasting the unit with compressed air is all that you need to fix these issues. All that you have to do is to get rid of the lodged debris and the gunk.
It will take a while, but you need to make sure that there are no errors on that end.
Once the debris and the gunk have been removed, you can check up on the performance side of things one more time. Ideally, you’ll be sorted at this stage and will not have to get the bulb replaced.
- Check Electrical Connections
The wiring diagram in the manual should be followed perfectly to get the desired performance from the Merwry ceiling fan LED lights.
If the blue wire is not connected to the fan properly, then you will run into situations where the fan will work, but the LED lights won’t come on.
So, try to match the wiring connections according to the wiring diagram provided for your specific Merwry ceiling fan.
That should get everything working again if the LED lights are not defective and the wiring is in good shape.
- Adjust Light Kit Plate
The adjustment of the light kit plate also plays a role in the functioning of the LED lights in your Merwry ceiling fan.
So, tightening up the light kit plate is usually a good idea, but sometimes users end up stretching out the connection points and disrupting the power flow to the lights.
So, if you’ve followed all of the methods mentioned above, then try to remove the light kit plate and fix the connection points.
It will only take a second, and once the connection points are fixed, you should be able to get the power to the LED lights.
- Replace LED lights
If the issue with the Merwry ceiling fan LED light not working still persists, then you’re dealing with a defective setup. You should try connecting the LED lights to an external power source and check if they come on or not.
If the LED lights don’t come on, then you’re probably dealing with a defective light that has to be replaced.
Luckily, the 17 W LED lights for the Merwry fan are not that expensive, and you will be able to get the perfect performance from the lights once you change the defective segment.
- Demand A Replacement
If your purchase was recent, then the warranty on the Merwry ceiling fan should cover issues with the LED lights. Make sure to ring the dealer and explain the situation to him.
He will provide you with a fresh replacement, and you won’t have to bother looking for a compatible lighting solution for your Merwry ceiling fan.
In most situations, the issue with Merwry ceiling fan LED lights not working is related to loose connection points or voltage mismatch.
So, you should always start out by checking the voltage and the electrical connections in your fan. You won’t have to waste time with any other step, and the LED lights will start working perfectly in no time.
- Ask Official Merwry Support
Reaching out to the official support team is an especially decent idea when you’re not sitting on a valid warranty.
Most of the time, the warranty status will help you address the majority of issues with the unit. However, when you’re not sitting on the warranty, you will not be able to get a replacement.
This is especially true if you purchased the unit from a secondary dealer. Luckily, all hope is not lost, and you can always reach out to the official support team to help you here.
They will guide you on the intricate details of the issue, and you will not have to struggle on your end.
If you do manage to get through the fix, be sure never to purchase anything from secondary dealers. You might get a good price at first, but the increased risk is never worth it.
Moreover, you can’t even rely on the warranty if you get a defective unit out of the box. So, be sure to only engage with the official dealer, and they will help you throughout the lifespan of the fan.
It might cost a bit extra in some cases, but at least you will get the purchase security that you deserve to get the Merwry system working perfectly in your house.
Hopefully, all errors will be sorted right here, and you will not have to worry about purchasing a new fan out of pocket.
Wrapping Up
The situation with the Merwry ceiling fan LED light not working is usually not that hard to fix. We’ve listed some of the more viable methods that will help you address the majority of errors with the unit without having to deal with any extensive errors.
So, be sure to stick with this brand and don’t rely on any other option. It will be incredibly easy to make use of this system in the long run when you’re talking about peak performance.
As long as the hardware is in good shape, you will be able to address the issue with the LED lights fairly quickly.
Just check the wiring, replace the bulb, clean the fixture, and then adjust the power supply. Nine times out of ten, you will be sorted at this point and won’t have to deal with any long-term errors.
So, be sure to keep track of the pointers listed here, and you might just save yourself a ton of hassle. With that said, we will suggest that you also engage an expert on this issue.
He will guide you on how to get through minor programming bugs, and you can also ask for a replacement if there are hardware issues. So, don’t hesitate to reach out even when the issue seems to be out of your hands.