LIFX SmartThing Turn Off Light After Time
Smart home appliances are all about innovation and convenience so all the features that you get on them are focused towards one key goal and that is to ensure that your life is getting easier and more comfortable.
You get smart features on all these smart appliances that may vary for each device, but it can be said safely that all these features are just the perfect thing that you are ever going to need for having a great and better experience with your everyday life.
LIFX is one such series that allow you extended control over your smart lights, including some cool features such as controlling them from your mobile application, changing colors and things like that. However, the cherry on top is scheduling feature in the application and here is all you need to know about it.
What it does?
So, the smart things application from LIFX allow you to schedule a timer for your lights to be tuned off after a specific duration that you choose after you trigger the button. This works similar to the camera shutter timer that we all have used once in our life at some point.
So, all you have to do is set the timer and the lights will automatically turn off after that time. This is something truly great for those who would like to sleep with the lights on, and want them to be off afterwards, or you want the time to leave your house and want your lights to be turned off after you have locked the door properly.
How to set it up
So, the next question that might pop up in your mind is how you can set it up and it is pretty simple. The option comes pre-loaded on the LIFX bulb and the LIFX smart things application you might have. All you need to do is go to the settings menu of a particular bulb or light that you want to have this setting on.
There, you will find the option to set timer and you can choose the specific time limit such as Turn it off after 5 mins after you have pressed the trigger and then you just have to save the setting changes that you have modified. This will get the job done for you and you will be able to take advantage of this great feature.
Is it effective?
Well, many people will have the question if the option works as it is advertised because it sounds too good to be true for some people and they might doubt the efficiency of this feature. As we have tested these bulbs and the app features and they tend to work perfectly without having any issues given that you have the latest version of smart things application on your phone. You will also need to optimize it perfectly as stated above and that will make the things a lot more fun for you with the smart lights from LIFX.