6 Steps To Fix Levoit Air Purifier Red Light Won’t Turn Off

levoit air purifier red light won't turn off
levoit air purifier red light won’t turn off

The red light on your Levoit Air Purifier will help you keep track of the filter condition, and you can better manage the performance of your device through these indicators. However, some owners have pointed out that they were unable to get the red light to turn off even after checking the filter. This situation is not that rare and is usually a minor bug that is simple to fix.

So, if you’re in the same situation where the Levoit air purifier red light won’t turn off, following this troubleshooting guide should get everything working again. Hopefully, you won’t have to get the unit replaced, and the red light will turn off after trying some of these steps.

Levoit Air Purifier Red Light Won’t Turn Off Fix:

  1. Check Filter One More Time

If the check filter red light on the Levoit air purifier won’t turn off even after you’ve replaced the filter, then there is no harm in going over the filter placement one more time. There might be plastic packaging lodged inside the compartment, and you need to completely remove the packaging to get the unit working again. Otherwise, the red light will remain on, and you’ll notice a rapid decrease in the performance of your machine.

  1. Clean Out Excessive Debris 

Even when the filter is placed correctly and there are no issues with the lodged packaging, you will need to clean up the compartment completely to address this complication. The presence of excessive lint or debris in the compartment will only lead to this situation.

So, remove the filter and then remove excess debris from the compartment. That should be enough to get your Levoit air purifier working perfectly with an ideal performance from the filter.

  1. Hold Down On The Status Light 

If you’re absolutely sure that the filter is fresh and the compartment is clean, you will have to hold down on the status light for around 3 seconds to turn it off. This will reset the check filter light, and the light should turn on after 3 to 5 months.

However, depending on your usage, this timer can vary, and it is not a smart idea to ignore the check filter light when it is displayed. So, after checking the filter once, you can reset the light by holding onto this input for around 3 seconds.

  1. Power Cycle Your Purifier

In the majority of situations, you should be able to turn off the red light after resetting the status indicator. However, if you’re not getting any response from the unit, then there is a good chance that your device is running into programming issues. If you’re lucky, a quick power cycle should be enough to address this situation with the Levoit Air Purifier red light not turning off.

So, simply remove power from your smart unit for around 30 seconds and then turn on the unit one more time. After that, hold down on the check filter status for 3 seconds and then check the response from the Levoit Air Purifier.

  1. Reset Levoit Air Purifier

On the other hand, if you weren’t lucky with the power cycle and the unit is still not responding to any input, your only option is to reset the Levoit Air Purifier back to factory defaults. That should be enough to get your device working perfectly and you won’t have to deal with many complications when it comes to turning off the red light.

However, it can take a bit of your time to set up everything from scratch. So, keep that in mind and set aside some time to go through the initial configurations one more time.

  1. Contact Customer Support 

At this stage, you might just be dealing with a defective Levoit air purifier that needs to be replaced. You won’t be able to do anything yourself about a defective unit, and the only logical solution is to get help from the Levoit dealer.

The good thing here is that the warranty policy on the Levoit units is not that bad, and you should be able to source a replacement in no time. So, make sure to involve the experts and have them provide you with a fresh piece if there are hardware problems with the unit.

3 thoughts on “6 Steps To Fix Levoit Air Purifier Red Light Won’t Turn Off”

  1. I also have to problem with the Red Filter replacement light. I’ve tried the on-line instructions, but the red light won’t go out. Already replaced the old filter with a new replacement I ordered. Still can’t seem to get this problem resolved.

  2. I just replace my filter on my Levoit and the red light won’t turn off. I unplugged it for 30 seconds and pushed the light for 10 seconds and the light is still on.
    Can you help me please?

  3. I bought the Mini Air Purifier from Amazon. It is now past the time I can return it.
    The change filter light came on and I changed the filter, and now the red light won’t go out.
    I have did all the rechecks and have the air purifier on when I try and reset.
    The air intake is clear as well as the fan on the top,

    Any ideas what I can do with this.


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