In this latest installment of tech guides, we are going to deal with a topic that many of you seem to be having a bit of difficulty with: can you use the Philips Hue Bridge Lighting System without Ethernet cable? Please read on.
Given that this is a pretty advanced tech, there are many facets to using it that aren’t that widely known about yet. For example, some of you have found yourself restricted to only using it with an Ethernet cable connection.
As always, there are ways around these things – if you know how it’s done. And that’s what we are here. So, if you want to get the absolute best out of this gadget, you’ve come to the right place.
What Exactly is a Philips Hue Bridge Lighting System?
Philips Hue, though not exactly a household name just yet, has become the go-to solution for those among us who wish to enhance their living and workspaces with smart lighting solutions.
And, though this tech has been around for a while, there is still something that screams futuristic about it. For many of us, it is the stuff of sci-fi films that come to life! But, the Philips Hue Bridge, one of their leading products, has enabled us to live that dream. Better yet, they haven’t dumbed it down in any way.
The Bridge Lighting System allows the user a huge amount of control over an impressive amount of lights at any given time. In fact, if you want to, you can control up to 50 lights and different accessories.
By anyone’s standards, that’s pretty impressive. But the fun doesn’t end there. It isn’t just a simple bit of tech that can switch lights off and on. No, there’s a whole range of extra features to master and play with.
All you really need to do to get it up and running is plug in the device and connect to their App. From here, you will be able to set all sorts of timers, custom lighting settings, scenes, and patterns.
However, our favorite thing about the Philips Hue Bridge lighting system is that it is actually remarkably easy to set up and get working. When you consider how advanced the tech is, it could just as easily have been the stuff of nightmares to use it.
Oh yeah, it also comes with a voice control feature through the App so that you can live out your supervillain fantasy.
That being said, some of you have been trying to use the setup without an Ethernet cable and have struggled to do so. In fact, many of you have even been asking online whether such a thing is possible. Well, we have both good and bad news for you.
Hue Bridge Without Ethernet
First things first, the Philips Hue Bridge lighting system was specifically designed to work with an Ethernet connection only. It isn’t Wi-Fi enabled.
So, unfortunately, that means that it is going to be a lot harder than you would have wanted to make that possibility a reality.
It is tough, but it can be done if you have the relevant knowledge on soldering and how circuitry works.
Naturally, this means that we can’t explicitly state that you should give it a shot. In fact, we have to recommend the opposite.
The thing is, if you get it wrong and end up damaging the Hue Bridge, you will risk voiding your warranty entirely. Really, that would be a bit of a waste.
However, from doing our own poking around, we discovered something unusual residing in the shell of the Hue Bridge. There’s actually a disabled Wi-Fi radio in there!
By using this, wiring the serial ports, and doing a little bit of soldering and tinkering here and there, you can actively transform it into a wireless device.
Again, just because we are telling you, this doesn’t mean that we are saying that you should do it. Instead, we are just saying that it technically can be done if you have the know-how and experience.
However, if your curiosity is getting the best of you, there is a pretty decent explanation of how it is done on this website. Naturally, if you can’t follow what this article wrote, take that as an extra sign not to go playing around with your electronics. It can be a slippery slope, after all!
Is there any other option?
Amazingly, there is another way to bypass the need for an Ethernet hook up entirely!
With this one, there is no risk involved either. So, it is probably the best option for nearly all of us to go with this.
The only downside is that you will have to part with some of your cash to do it.
- For this workaround, all you need to do is get your hands on a wireless access point or router that has Ethernet ports built into it.
- Then, connect this new piece of kit to your hotspot in bridge mode.
- Naturally, you will have to make sure that whatever piece of kit you buy is capable of bridge mode.
- By using this new router and the hotspot in bride mode, you will then be able to negate the usage of an Ethernet connection entirely.
The only thing to consider is whether the extra financial outlay is worth it or not.
Conclusion: Using a Hue Bridge without an Ethernet Cable
Unfortunately, these are the only troubleshoot methods we could come up forPhilips Hue Bridge lighting system with no Ethernet connection.
Really, the take-home point of this whole piece is that though it is entirely possible, there is a strong argument for not doing it. Besides, you could risk destroying the device entirely and voiding your warranty.
On the other hand, you will have to fork out extra cash to do it the safer way. So, though the decision is entirely up to you, we would recommend taking all possible consequences into account before acting. Thanks!