Using a unique iOS or Android smartphone app, your smartphone gallery, or your PC, you may upload photos and videos to the Nixplay Photo Frame Touch. For non-technical users, the frame provides access to a wide range of famous web photographs and social networking sites.
In this article, we will go through some of the features of Nixplay and how many pictures it can hold.
How Many Pictures Can A Digital Photo Frame Hold?
If you have many memories you want to share on your digital photo frame, you may be curious about the maximum number of photos it can hold. With 10GB of free cloud storage, the number of photos you may store in your frame is limited only by the size of those images. Since each photograph is 5MB, you can store up to 2000 images. With a Nixplay Plus membership package, you may add additional material to your frame.
Transferring Images to a Digital Photo Frame
Transferring images from your mobile device are proving to be a bit of a challenge. Your photographs, albums, playlists and other content can only be accessed through a Nixplay Cloud Frame if you have an online account. Nixplay digital photo frames can be accessed in three ways:
- Transfer Images through Email
To get photographs sent directly to your frame, you’ll be asked to create a @mynixplay.com email address when you initially set up your frame and Nixplay account. Send a new email with the image attached to your @mynixplay.com address to complete the task. After that, the picture will be saved in the ‘Albums’ section of the website under the name of the person who sent it. Adding an image to a playlist is as simple as typing ‘pl: playlist name’ in your email’s subject line.
- Transfer Images through the Internet
To transfer photographs from your computer to a Nixplay Cloud album, they must first be uploaded. Go to ‘Photos’ in your Nixplay account by logging in. To create an album, click on ‘Albums’ under ‘Playlists,’ and then click on ‘Create an Album. After you’ve uploaded your photos, you can create a playlist for your digital photo frame that will play whenever you choose.
Adding captions to specific photographs in albums will display them on your frame. This is a great way to commemorate special occasions.
- Transfer images through Nixplay App
Download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to start. From the main page, you can choose to email photographs from your camera roll or upload directly from your camera – perfect for ‘day in life updates. Additionally, you’ll have the option of adding captions to your photos, which you can then send to friends or playlists.
Are Digital Photo Frames Capable Of Playing Video?
You may quickly upload your favourite videos to your digital photo frame by using an application designed for either iOS or Android. It’s simple:
- Using Application
From within the application, pick the option to “Send Photos.”
- Existing Video
Either produce a brand-new clip or select an existing video from your camera roll. The video playback time on Nixplay is limited to 15 seconds.
- Share Videos
Choose the playlist or the friend to whom you would like to share this video, and then watch it play on your frame. Nixplay digital photo frames let you show off anything you’d like: a vintage wedding film, a video of your child’s first steps, or even a 15-second montage of your family’s most recent reunion.