The scheduling features on the Gosund smart plug make it effortless for owners to set up their new routines.
You can get creative with this system and won’t feel the need to rely on any other option after completing the continuation on the Gosund smart plug.
It can be a bit difficult to manage the schedules at first, but when you get used to their operations, you’ll notice a massive improvement in the efficiency of your appliances.
So, you should set some time aside and go over the scheduling instructions to avoid programming issues.
Otherwise, you will just be setting yourself up for failure, and the scheduling features will not engage.
The good thing here is that these errors are mostly related to the programming side of things. So, the worst thing that you will have to do is to reset the system.
Currently, it is pretty common to see customers complaining about Gosund smart plug schedule not working.
This issue is mainly related to the configurations of the smart plug, and you should follow these methods to get the schedules working again.
Why Is Gosund Smart Plug Schedule Not Working?
- Refresh Timer On Smart Plugs
If the Gosund smart plugs were working a few weeks ago, and you’ve just started to experience these problems with the Gosund wise plug schedule not working, then you’re likely dealing with a bugged timer.
It is a pretty common problem, and you will have to reset the timer to get the schedules to work correctly. Usually, this bug presents itself after a few months of operations.
So, if the schedules work the majority of the time, just reset the timer and check the performance of the smart plug.
Hopefully, the minor bugs related to the system programming will be addressed right here, and you will not have to worry about more complications.
So, be sure to follow through with a quick refresh, and you will be sorted out.
- Fix Connectivity Problem
The location of the smart plugs should always be within the effective range of your router.
Many owners struggling with the Gosund Smart plug schedules not working explain that they had installed the plugs outside the house.
So, you’ll have to find a new spot for the smart plug that is within the range of the router.
That will be enough to help fix the scheduling problems, and you can reset the timer once more for good measure.
- Try Creating New Schedules
If resetting the smart plug doesn’t help you with the problem, then removing the existing schedules and creating new ones will help you around the issue.
It is true that it can be a bit inconvenient to reset the schedules after every few weeks, but this feature is a bit bugged at the moment.
You will have to wait for a few updates on the smart applications and plug firmware to get ahead of this problem permanently.
In the meanwhile, you will be able to get the schedules working again after removing the current settings and adding new schedules.
- Clear Application Data
Sometimes, you will struggle to get the timer to work because of bugs in the applications.
These problems are more common for users that have not updated the Gosund app in a while. So, if you’re in the same boat, try to clear the application data and test out the timer again.
Removing all the app data from the phone settings won’t reset any configurations, and you can log back into the application to access all your devices.
Moreover, it will only take a second to access the storage settings on your smartphone.
- Remove Interferences
The interferences between the router and the smart plug also have a role to play in issues with the schedules not working.
So, if you have a cluster of smart devices operating in your household, then the only thing that you can do is to reduce the distance between the router and the smart plugs.
Similarly, if you can find a new spot for other wireless devices to limit the interferences, that will have a huge impact on the performance of the Gosund smart plug.
- Reset Gosund Plugs
If the Gosund smart plug schedules are not working even after testing out all of the troubleshooting methods mentioned above, then resetting them is the only thing left.
Ideally, the problem should be fixed once you reset the timer through the app.
However, if nothing is working out, then hold down on the power button for around 15 seconds.
After the reset, you will have to connect the smart plug to the application again, and that will remove all programming-related bugs in the unit.
Now, you can add schedules again and check their performance over the next few weeks.
Hopefully, you won’t have to bother with resetting the timer on the smart plug again, and the device will start working perfectly.
- Check Load On The Smart Plug
At this point, you should also shift your focus to the connected devices. There is a good chance that the issue is more with the connected devices and not the smart plug itself.
So, when you do get stuck in these issues, you will have to limit the load and then check up on the performance one more time.
You will not be able to get any response from the system or the schedules when the device connected to the smart plug is too demanding.
So, if you’re using a powerful appliance or a demanding accessory with the smart plug, now might be a good time to try a different unit.
From there, you can also wipe away all the configurations and then check the performance from the schedules. It will not take you much time, but you’ll surely be able to address issues with the power supply.
Hopefully, you will be sorted out right here and won’t have to worry about more complications.
However, if you wish to use the same demanding appliance with a smart plug, then you will have to expand your budget and get a more robust plug.
We suggest that you ask the local dealer or the officials available on the online community forums to guide you.
They will be more than happy to inquire about your situation and guide you through a fix. So, be sure to reach out, inquire about the specifics, and get them to help you out.
- Ask Gosund Support Team For Help
Lastly, you can just call it a day and leave this issue to the experts. There is no point in trying to figure out the situation on your own after you’ve tried all of the steps above.
So, just get help from the professionals, and they will be more than happy to guide you around this situation.
Ninety percent of the time, the issue is not that complex.
A few basic fixes will be all that you need to address these errors, and the professionals will be more than willing to guide you about the situation. So, ask the Gosund support team.
The response from these officials can be a bit delayed, but you can always choose to call the company number. That way, you will get quick support, and the expert will be able to guide you better.
All that you have to do on your end is to explain the issue and then inquire about the situation by asking the dealer.
The dealer will be more than happy to take charge of the situation, and you will not have to worry about anything else.
On the other hand, there is always a slim chance that your plug is defective.
If that is the case, then you can get the dealer to give you a fresh piece, and he will be more than happy to help you out. So, be sure to reach out and get the experts to help you.
Wrapping Up
Using schedules on your Gosund smart plugs will help you with amazing convenience, but it can be a hassle to set up these units from the get-go.
Issues like the routine not engaging or the connection dropping can present themselves pretty frequently.
So, you will have to go about addressing the situation accordingly, and fixing these errors will be a bit complicated, to say the least.
However, you can mostly rely on local experts and the official support team for help. These professionals bring years of experience and know how to help you out.
All that you have to do is to explain your end and provide as many details as possible.
From there, they will guide you through each step of relevant troubleshooting methods. In the end, every fix will eventually lead to a quick reset, and you will have to set up the unit from scratch.
Sadly, there aren’t any other options left, and you will have to go through all of the configurations again.
Hopefully, that will be enough to help you set up the system and address issues with the Gosund smart plug schedules not working properly.
Details needed on how to “reset” a schedule