A furnace can be a blessing to people as they can help you heat up your room. Especially when the temperature is really cold outside, the furnace will make your room warmer for you.
On the other hand, you can use a thermostat along with the furnace in order to have full remote control over how much you want to heat up your room. All thanks to a furnace, you won’t have to worry much about cold weather in your house. All you need is to simply ask your thermostat to warm up your room for you.
How To Fix Furnace Will Not Turn On With Thermostat?
One of the worst things that can happen to you is to have a broken furnace when you reach home in a cold weather. This is quite common among users where they suddenly found out that their furnace will not turn on with thermostat.
Under these circumstances, a normal user doesn’t have much idea on what he should do. This is why today; we will be telling you a list of ways on how you can fix this problem. So, let’s get started!
- Something Wrong with Your Thermostat
The first thing you may want to check is the thermostat. First, make sure that your thermostat is set to heating up your room. Another thing to check is that your thermostat is getting enough power or not. It could be that your thermostat has gone bad and needs a complete replacement. There could also be a wire connection problem with your thermostat and furnace.
Also, ensure that your furnace is fully compatible with the type of thermostat that you are using.
- Problem with Your Furnace
There could be a problem with your furnace. In either case, you will have to troubleshoot by checking everything you can. Start by checking whether the circuit breaker is tripped or not. The next thing you may want to check are the condensation pumps, and whether your air filters are clogged or not.
Ensure that power is going on to your furnace, and nothing needs to be replaced. The last few things that you should check are whether the pilot is turned on (In case you have an older model of furnace) and whether your indoor vents are opened or not.
- Call A Professional
If you don’t know much about thermostats and furnace, and can’t seem to fix the issue, then you may want to call a professional. Let him have a look at why your thermostat and furnace are having a problem working.
The Bottom Line
Are you facing a problem where your furnace will not turn on with your thermostat? If so, then following the 3 steps mentioned above should help you fix it.