The Furbo dog camera is a pretty reliable accessory but it isn’t exactly cheap and you’ll have to spend a bit of budget to include this gadget in your home. The majority of owners have had a terrific experience with this dog camera, but you’ll still find some unsatisfied customers having trouble with Furbo not turning on.
This issue with Furbo not turning on is almost always related to the hardware side of things like power cable and adapter. Sometimes, the power source can also play into this situation and if your Furbo is not turning on, try following some of these troubleshooting methods.
Why Is Furbo Not Turning On?
- Power Cycle Furbo Camera
Start by removing power from the Furbo camera for around 2 minutes when your unit is not turning on. Make sure that the power cable is plugged in properly and that you are not dealing with any loose connections. After checking the power connections, you can power up the Furbo camera again and then check the LED status.
Ideally, the LED should start flashing white for a few seconds and then turn to a solid yellow color. If you’re installing the Furbo unit for the first time, then the light will switch to green and you can move forward with the setup procedure.
- Check Output From Power Source
It is also possible that the power source is not giving your Furbo unit enough juice to power up properly. If your power outlet is in rough shape or you have not checked the electrical connections in your home for a while, then there is a good chance that your power outlet is to blame. The safe solution here is to call an expert to help with the electrical connections.
There is no point in trying to use a multimeter to check the output yourself if you have no prior experience with electrical connections. The safety issues are always there with Furbo, and you will just be annoyed with the power output.
- Inspect Power Cable
At this point, you should start checking the integrity of the power cable. Even the original cable from Furbo can get damaged after rough use. So, if your power cable seems to be in rough condition, try purchasing a replacement immediately. You can rely on any high-quality cable that is compatible with Furbo and then judge the response from the main unit. If it powers up and the LED colors change after a few seconds, then you won’t have to worry about the power issues again.
- Change The Adapter
Most of the time, owners are making use of cheap adapters to power up the Furbo system through the original wire. Even if the wire is original, it won’t be able to make up for the fact that your adapter is not supplying enough power. The only solution here is to rely on a better adapter that matches the power demands of your Furbo system.
- Try Using The Reset Button
While this issue is almost always linked with the power side of things, you can never eliminate the possibility of programming bugs. So, just to get ahead of this situation, you should try resetting the Furbo system by holding down the reset button with a paper clip. It will take around 20 seconds for the unit to reset, and you can let go of the reset button when the LED lights change color.
On the other hand, if there is no response from the LED lights even after holding down the reset button for 30 seconds, then you’ll be sure that there is no power going to your Furbo dog camera.
- Call Furbo Dealer
The only possibility left here is that your Furbo unit is defective, and you need to source a replacement from the dealer. Luckily, the Furbo dealer support is not that poor, and you’ll be in possession of a decent warranty if your purchase was recent. So, just forward a warranty claim and then wait for the response from your dealer.
Hopefully, you won’t have to spend more money on a replacement, and the dealer will provide you with a replacement immediately. Try to also engage customer service experts from Furbo support while you wait for the dealer’s response.