Ecobee is one of the most renowned brands among all the smart thermostat options out there and it does not only provide you great convenience with any sort of HVAC system that you might have, but also offers a ton of utility.
So, if you’re trying to limit the power bill, try switching over to Ecobee.
The thermostat is the greatest option for you since it has the possibility to be controlled remotely through the internet and has a tonne of value-added functions. Yes, it isn’t the cheapest choice available. When looking for the ideal property, you shouldn’t, however, merely consider the price range.
These thermostats work quite well, and there aren’t many reliability or other problems with them.
This remark, however, is only accurate for owners who hire an expert to install the system. Installation problems are rather typical, and they might cause more mistakes in the future.
Similarly, some technical inconveniences are inevitable with the electronics and if your Ecobee Thermostat is blowing warm air on AC, it can cause you certain discomfort.
There is nothing for you to get worried about, as this can be fixed in a few easy steps.
Ecobee AC Blowing Warm Air
1) Turn Off Auto Adjustment
A cool feature that you get on Ecobee thermostat is automatic temperature adjustment and that saves you efforts from manually changing the temperature on your thermostat whenever needed.
Ecobee is one of the best manufacturers for smart, learning thermostats that will learn your requirements and comfortable temperature ranges over time and match them with the weather outside over the internet.
This way, the thermostat will be able to automatically adjust all the temperature settings on your AC.
Although this feature is great, sometimes automation can cause you to have different errors and you will feel that the AC is blowing out warm air, even when your thermostat is set at a different temperature.
To have this fix, you will need to turn off the learning/auto-adjust feature and the thermostat will start working out perfectly as it is supposed to.
2) Reset the Thermostat
There is another possibility that your thermostat might need a reset in case it is unable to detect the right temperature, there is some connectivity error with the AC and stuff like that.
Performing a reset on an Ecobee thermostat should be easy enough for you and anyone with the basic knowledge of such electronics can attempt that on their own.
Good thing is that you get a colored, touchscreen display on the thermostat so you don’t have to press multiple buttons, or a combination of buttons.
All you need to do is press on the menu icon, and select settings. You will find the Reset menu at the last of the settings tab.
Choose Reset all settings and then click Yes to confirm. This should do the trick and you will get cold air out of your AC vents after the thermostat is reset.
3) Get your wiring checked
Now, this is one of the most major reasons for your AC blowing warm air over the Ecobee thermostat if you have some old HVAC system or it is not synced properly.
You need to check if your AC cables are properly attached with the thermostat and there is not any short circuit or anything like that.
It is recommended to follow the manual, or get an experienced technician’s help who will be able to sort out your wiring and fix the issue for you.
4) Check The HVAC
If you’re still stuck and can’t seem to find a way out, then you have to check up on the HVAC system itself.
There might be issues with the reverse valve or the heat pump, and you will have to figure those out to address these errors.
A good approach here is to hire an expert. There is no point in spending hours upon hours of your own time trying to fix the HVAC situation when you’re not that experienced.
So, we will suggest that you reach out to the local contractors or technicians about this issue.
From there, you can just explain your end and seek pointers on how to further address this situation. It will take a bit of time when it comes to addressing these errors, but you’re not left with many options.
5) A Power Cycle Can Help
Now, power cycling the system might seem like a basic fix, but it has simply helped too many owners to pass up.
This does not imply that you should promptly reboot the systems before checking their functionality once again.
The system must be completely powered down before being powered back up. You won’t have to spend as much time on it, and you won’t miss out on any confirmations either.
After cutting the power, you may wait around 10 minutes before turning the machine back on. Be patient as it will take some time for things to start working properly once again.
Hopefully, this simple routine will be enough to address the minor programming bugs and you will be able to get a good enough response out of the system when it is not responding to any input.
So, be sure to follow along with these pointers when you can’t seem to figure out a solution.
6) Check For Hardware Issues
You ought to stop working at this point and verify the hardware. Making sure the system doesn’t harm itself is a must. Find any cracks or damaged areas with all of your attention.
It is useless to attempt to resolve the matter yourself if you discover that there are hardware problems. You must contact the authorized dealer and submit a warranty claim. This company offers a complete warranty for its goods.
As long as you have a valid warranty, there is no need to worry about spending money on a new system yourself. Instead, you can claim the warranty, and it will not be that hard for you to get a new piece from the dealer.
Hopefully, you will not have to go through any hassle when it comes to fixing the issues with the hardware. So, be sure to follow along with the pointers listed here, and you will be sorted out in no time.
7) Call Ecobee Support Channel
Lastly, you can also call up the official support channel at any time and have them help you out through each step.
When you’re getting constant feedback from the officials, fixing the situation with the Ecobee thermostat throwing hot air is not that hard.
So, instead of going through all of this hassle, yo8u should always engage the officials. They will take a bit of time to respond at first.
However, you will not have to wait long to secure consistent support and these professionals will ensure that you don’t have to deal with any long term errors.
Hopefully, you will be sorted out in no time when it comes to addressing these complications.
Wrapping Up
The Ecobee AC blowing warm air issue, although annoying, is not highly harmful. We’ve supplied some methods to help you since if you encounter these issues, the system won’t be able to answer you in a manner that is sufficient.
You just have to start off by checking up on the configurations.
A few basic fixes ranging from removing the auto adjustment features to power cycling the unit and resetting the system will be of use. From there, you can go about checking up on the wiring side of things as well.
Next, you need to check up on the wiring side of things as well. When the wiring is damaged, you’re pretty much out of luck.
This issue is pretty hard to fix on your own and you will have to hire an expert. He will be better equipped to help you out.