The primary reason why so many smart devices and applications are discontinued over time is the frequent bugs.
While the initial hype of the smart device helps drive traffic toward the platform, this boom in sales can reduce substantially if the unit doesn’t match the customer’s requirements.
So, you will occasionally come across news on different smart products getting discontinued because of minimal sales or frequent bugs.
You can’t get your hands on this device directly and will have to rely on secondary sources if you do wish to include this system.
However, that is not always the smartest decision, and you might regret it in the long run.
Echo Link Amp Discontinued
So, we suggest that you only stick to official dealers and reliable sources when browsing to find the best fit for your house.
Otherwise, you will be struggling to find a reasonable option in the long run. The recent confusion on the Echo Link Amp discontinuation has confused many homeowners.
While there has been no official statement on this topic, the following details should give you a better perspective on whether or not the Echo Link Amp has been discontinued.
As far as the official statement is concerned, Amazon didn’t say a single word about the discontinuation of the Echo Link Amp.
However, if you visit their website or check the availability of this product, you will find that it is no longer up for sale.
So, it is safe to assume that the Echo Link Amp is discontinued or at least temporarily paused.
You can’t find a fresh piece on the market, and the only Echo Link Amp available are from second-hand markets like eBay.
According to many users, this trend of not saying a word and simply halting the sale of a product is pretty common on Amazon.
They don’t officially discontinue anything and just pause the project until a newer version is released or the market changes in a substantial way.
So, even though there is a possibility that the Echo Link Amp will make a comeback in the future, you can’t really find it in the current market.
Is It Considered A Dead Product?
When you look at the majority of units that are discontinued, the underlying premise behind their discontinuation is always a ton of bugs and issues.
So, the brand mostly phases out of the market without gathering too much attention on the failure of their unit.
So, yes. Echo Link amp can be considered a dead product and you should avoid it at all costs.
There is simply no gain in putting your money in a unit that will end up bricking in a month or two.
Instead, you should only focus on the units that are fully endorsed and supported by the brand.
Otherwise, you will be disappointed by the performance of these units in a few months and will want to switch to a better option.
That can be fairly annoying in some cases, and no one wants to tie up their funds and time on a unit that is just set up to fail in the future.
Some owners did say that they were able to browse through the Echo Link Amp model in the Best Buy store.
However, that doesn’t mean that you should put your money into this unit. Even if you’re able to secure it for your home, the quality and the performance are not good enough.
Keeping all of the bugs and the minor programming errors aside, the basic audio quality from this unit can’t compete with the other options on the market.
You will only struggle to get a decent response, and your streaming setup will only be subpar at max.
To get a better perspective, you can engage some of the customers that have tried the Echo Link amp.
You will find all of them to be disappointed in this option and will feel the need to switch in a few months. This does not mean that Amazon is a bad brand or that the Echo lineup is not good.
It is pretty common for some models from even the most phenomenal brands to be faulty, which is why they get discontinued.
So, instead of shying away from the brand, you should just look at the other models here.
Similarly, some owners that were able to secure the Echo Link Amp during the sale period listed it on the secondary market for other buyers.
There is a huge question mark on the quality and the reliability of these units and you might run into a few snags down the road.
Here are more details on getting the Echo Link Amp from the secondary market and whether or not you should proceed with the purchase.
Hopefully, the pointers below will help you finalize the purchase decision on the Echo Link amp from the secondary markets.
Should You Get It From Secondary Markets?
If you’re interested in an Echo Link Amp, then going with second-hand markets like eBay is the only real option. However, you will have to be extremely careful while checking the quality of the product.
Several reports from unhappy customers show that they purchased a defective unit from the second-hand market.
So, there is a chance that you will end up wasting your money on an Echo Link Amp if you purchase it from other owners.
As far as the basic market sentiment on this product is concerned, customers weren’t too happy with its performance.
From poor-quality audio to low volume, this unit didn’t add any value to the existing music system in your house.
So, even if you’re somehow able to get your hands on an Echo Link Amp in good quality, there won’t be much that you can do with this unit.
Overall, Echo Link Amp can be considered discontinued because of the poor value proposition and the customer reviews.
The demand for this product plummeted after the customer ran into different performance issues with this unit.
So, you can’t really find a fresh Echo Link Amp on the Amazon store anymore. Luckily, there are many options that will bring more value than the Echo Link Amp to your music system.
However, you will need to extend your budget by a smaller margin, and that should be enough to accommodate better amps for your home.
So, instead of trying to browse through secondary markets trying to get your hands on this unit, be sure to explore more options.
You will be happier with other brands like Sonos that have a whole portfolio of high-quality amps and accessories to help you with the streaming setup.
Hopefully, you will be able to find a reasonable fit and won’t feel the need to switch for decades.
So, What Other Option Can You Choose?
Countless satisfied customers have nothing but good things to say about Sonos Amps. While these units are a bit expensive, you won’t find a better brand that can offer more quality.
So, go with Sonos if you’re not that restricted by the budget and need an amp that will look elegant on your table.
While there are some reports on minor issues with the system, the overall market sentiment is overwhelmingly positive, and the dealer support further adds to the purchase value.
In comparison to Echo Link Amp, Sonos doesn’t only offer more features but brings a more compact and sleek design to your smart system.
This brand went all out in dominating the music market with its phenomenal products.
So, there is no need to concern yourself with the discontinuation of the Echo Link Amp, as it added no value to the smart system.
Instead, you should save up some budget to go with the Sonos amp, and it will last you for decades. You can further look up some online reviews on the performance of Sonos to get a better perspective.
Wrapping Up
The Echo Link Amp is not available on the market, and you will struggle to secure it for your home. The only place where you can secure this piece is on secondary markets like eBay.
However, we suggest that you don’t try your luck with these options and stick to other alternatives.
As compared to the Echo Link Amp, you will find that the Sonos Amps are much better, consistent, and available across the nation.
So, you will not have to worry about any warranty issues, dealer support, or performance errors.
Moreover, when it comes to audio, Sonos will always dominate the market within the same price range. So, you can’t aim higher than Sonos when you’re looking for a basic amp for your house.
Hopefully, these pointers will give you a bit of perspective on which unit to choose.
Even if you somehow manage to get your hands on the Echo unit, the massive number of reports or complaints on this system don’t really complement the performance offered by this device.
So, you might struggle with a few snags here and there as you try to adjust this system.