5 Common Yale Lock Problems Troubleshooting

Common Yale Lock Problems Troubleshooting
Common Yale Lock Problems Troubleshooting

Over the years, Yale has launched many products that provide great convenience to its users. One of those products is Yale smart lock.

You will find this unit to be one of the best on the market, and the price range is not that unreasonable when you bring it next to some of the Schlage models.

You will get a ton of features along with a decent blend of value and performance. So, be sure to test out some of the Yale locks when you can’t seem to get any performance out of the unit.

It all comes down to how you’re planning on addressing the situation with the Yale lock not working properly.

It can connect to your mobile app, which means you can lock and unlock your door from anywhere.

Troubleshooting Common Yale Lock Problems

These can cost you from anywhere around 150 to 250 dollars depending upon what model you’re buying,

But the thing is, no product is perfect; customers have reported some cases in which the Yale lock was malfunctioning.

Here are some common problems that you might run into and quick ways to solve them.

  1. Connection Issues

The first issue that people commonly run into is trouble getting the lock connected to Wi-Fi. It can be due to a lot of reasons ranging from faulty routers to incorrect credentials.

no wifi

First of all, you need to make sure that your lock’s connection or guard is connected between the router and your Yale lock.

Because the thing is, your smart lock does not directly connect to your Wi-Fi router.

Instead, to maximize security, it connects to a guard or connects to a device that then connects to the Wi-Fi.

After you have made sure that the credentials are put in correctly and your Wi-Fi is working properly, then what you can try is to bring everything closer together.

It might be the case that your lock is giving you a connection error because of poor signal strength.


You should also try restarting the router or app and updating the software. Following these methods will most probably fix the error for you.

Nine times out of ten, fixing the router will help you address the majority of complications with the smart unit.

Just like every other smart device, the router connection can be a bit hard to manage at times.

So, you will have to go through all of these pointers to secure a decent response from the unit.

  1. Lock Won’t Engage Properly

Next, you will find some owners complaining about the lock not engaging properly. This issue is more common for users that installed the lock themselves, and you might run into the same errors.


The only thing that you need to check here is the alignment as well as the calibration of the lock.

Nine times out of ten, you will find that the alignment of the lock is not perfect, and there are issues with the basic engagement of the unit.

Here, you can either choose to hire an expert to help with the installation or try to get through the installation issues yourself.

You need to make sure that the lock itself is not getting obstructed from the door frame and that the unit is able to engage properly.

All that you need to do is to fix the alignment, and that will be it.

check issue

However, if you can’t seem to figure out the issue on your own, seeking help from an official will serve you well.

There is no point in trying to get the system to work on your own when there are experts with decades of experience ready to help you through each step.

  1. Pairing Issues

Pairing issues with the smart assistant can be equally as annoying, and you will not be able to get a response out of the system.

There is no debate that one of the best things about this unit is that you will be able to make use of the smart assistant. However, it can be equally as annoying to manage.


You will have to keep track of a ton of things, from the network connectivity to the smart assistant configurations and much more.

There are no easy fixes here, and you will need to spend the time to manage all of these configurations one by one.

First, you should remove the smart skill from the Alexa unit and then refresh the application before you get through the pairing routine again.

From there, you can also choose to reset the lock or try changing the accounts to isolate the issue. 

Similarly, if you do manage to get through the pairing routine, then your main focus should be on modifying the voice commands to secure a more decent response.


There are no easy methods of getting through these issues. So, all that you need to do here is to get through the setup routine one more time and update the commands.

If everything goes well with the voice commands, you will not have to deal with more errors down the road. Hopefully, that will be it when it comes to fixing the programming errors.

  1. Not Able to Lock or Un-Lock

Usually, a minor calibration issue or dead batteries might cause your lock to behave like this. There also might be other causes for this error.

Let’s go over a few of them and how you can fix them.

yale lock

If you’re having trouble controlling the lock from the app but the keypad is working just fine, then it is likely that the lock is having issues connecting to the app.

The first mistake that people make is just tapping the lock button on the app to lock the door. But the thing is, that won’t work.

You need to keep holding the lock or unlock button for a few seconds to make it work properly.

There are also some other conditions in play, like the lock might be updating itself or you had privacy mode active from the app.

Due to this, the keypad might not show up for you to put a password in. Also, check to see if the batteries are dead or not.

Lastly, make sure that the deadbolt is not jammed. If you hear a scraping noise whenever you try to lock or unlock the door, then it is likely that the deadbolt position needs some adjustment.

You can try to fix it yourself, but we will recommend that you get a mechanic to help you sort out this issue so that you don’t have to face similar errors in the future.

  1. Issues Scanning the QR Code

To connect to the newer models of the Yale lock, you need to get the QR code scanned by your mobile app.


The location of the QR Code is different depending on which model you’re buying.

You can easily reset the app and check if that fixes the issue for you. After that, if the issue remains, then you can try to skip this process altogether by entering the serial number.

Each lock comes with a different serial number. Just input the number in your app and follow the prompts in-app to set up your lock.

If you’re just confused and can’t find the QR code location, then you can just tap the option “Help me find QR code,” and the app will tell you where to look depending upon your model number.

These were some common Yale lock problems that you might face and quick ways to troubleshoot them.

ask expert

If you’re having issues with your lock that are not mentioned here, then we highly recommend that you contact Yale support to receive help from a professional.

They can guide you step by step on how to quickly resolve any issue that you might be facing

Wrapping Up

Most of the time, you will get an amazing response out of the Yale lock and won’t have to bother with any of these issues.

We suggest that you get an expert to help with the installation or at least hire a local contractor for this job. They will make sure that you avoid all of these road bumps.


Once the installation is managed perfectly, you will get phenomenal performance out of this unit.

So, the only key factor here is the installation, and you need not skip any steps when installing the lock yourself. There are tons of guides on YouTube, and the official support is always ready to help.

With that said, it is always possible that your lock got damaged during delivery or someone tries to force their way inside your house.

In those cases, the only logical thing to do is to either claim the warranty or get a replacement yourself. 

You will not be able to make use of a damaged lock in the long run, and a good thing to do here is to inform the authorities if you find that someone was trying to break in.

Even if the burglar was not successful, you would have to report this event for safety reasons.

2 thoughts on “5 Common Yale Lock Problems Troubleshooting”

  1. I do not use the app. Sometime the Yale lock will lock when we enter or exit and sometime it will not lock. It does struggle to lock because when the door is shut it is not shut tight. When I push the door to the frame it will lock perfectly. What do I need to do to get it to lock each time?

  2. I have two Yale locks, one for front door and one for a back unit with a separate access door. When I add a new guest code, it adds it to both locks? I want to only add to the front door OR back door. I see both locks on my iphone, and when i add to front door, the back unit door also has it as a valid code. What am I doing wrong? Bill


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