9 Common SKYMEE Owl Robot Problems Troubleshooting

common SKYMEE Owl Robot problems troubleshooting
common SKYMEE Owl Robot problems troubleshooting

Are you looking for help troubleshooting the SKYMEE Owl Robot? You’re in luck! In this blog post, we’ll be discussing the 9 most common problems people have with their SKYMEE Owl Robot, and how to fix them.

We’ll go over issues related to navigation, connection, video streaming, and more, so you can get your robot back up and running quickly.

Common SKYMEE Owl Robot Problems Troubleshooting

Read on to learn more about the most common problems people have with their SKYMEE Owl Robot and how to fix them!

  1. Not Connecting To Wi-Fi

If your SKYMEE Owl Robot is not connecting to Wi-Fi, there are a few steps you can take to try and fix the issue.


First, make sure the router you are trying to connect to is within range and that the robot is in a clear line of sight.

Secondly, check that you have the correct network name and password entered into the app. Thirdly, if possible, turn off the router for 30 seconds and then turn it back on.

This should allow your SKYMEE Owl Robot to reconnect. Finally, if all else fails, you can try resetting your SKYMEE Owl Robot by pressing and holding the reset button on the back of the device for 10 seconds.

If you still can’t get your robot connected to Wi-Fi, contact customer service for further assistance.

  1. Not Two-Way Capable

The SKYMEE Owl Robot is not capable of two-way communication. This means that you cannot use the robot to ask questions and get answers back.

It is only capable of responding to predetermined commands. To get around this limitation, many owners have found success in using voice recognition apps like Google Home or Alexa to ask questions and get answers back.

However, this will require an additional investment. If you are looking for a more interactive experience with your robot, then you may want to look into other models that are designed for two-way communication.

  1. App Not Working

If you’re having trouble getting your SKYMEE Owl Robot to connect to the app, there are a few things you can try.


First, check that your phone is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your robot. Make sure that your phone has the most up-to-date version of the SKYMEE app installed.

Also, make sure that both the app and the robot are turned on and updated with the latest software.

If the app still isn’t working, it may be due to an issue with Bluetooth on your phone. You can try turning off Bluetooth and restarting both the app and the robot. You can also try resetting the robot by holding down the power button for 8 seconds.

If all else fails, you can contact SKYMEE’s customer support team. They may be able to diagnose the problem and help you get your robot running again.

  1. Battery Draining Quickly

One of the most common problems with the SKYMEE Owl Robot is that its battery tends to drain quickly.

battery life

This is likely due to the robot’s many functions, like voice recognition, facial recognition, and motion tracking, which all require a lot of energy to run.

If you find that your robot’s battery is draining quickly, there are a few things you can do to try and fix it. First, make sure you are not running too many features at once.

You should also check if the robot’s firmware is up-to-date, as this can help improve the efficiency of its power consumption. Additionally, consider investing in an extra battery for your robot, so you can have a backup when needed.

Finally, keep in mind that the battery life of the SKYMEE Owl Robot will decrease over time, especially if you use it frequently. If this is the case, consider replacing the battery after it has reached its maximum lifespan.

With these tips in mind, you should be able to reduce the rate at which your robot’s battery drains and get more enjoyment out of it!

  1. Camera Quality Poor

poor quality

If you’re having issues with the camera quality of your SKYMEE Owl Robot, there are several things you can do to try to improve it.

First, check the settings in the app and make sure they are set correctly. You can adjust the resolution, brightness, and contrast to try to improve the image. You should also make sure the camera lens is clean, as dirt or debris can affect the image quality.

If adjusting the settings doesn’t work, you may need to perform a reset. You can do this by powering down the robot and restarting it. This can help if the robot is struggling with performance issues.

If none of these steps have worked, contact SKYMEE’s customer service team. They can provide technical support to help diagnose any problems you may be having with the camera quality.

  1. Keeps Making Strange Noises


One of the more annoying problems with the SKYMEE Owl Robot is that it keeps making strange noises. This can range from high-pitched whirring sounds to low humming and grinding noises.

The first thing to do when you hear these noises is to make sure nothing is blocking the robot’s movement.

The robot’s motors and gears may be grinding against something, or a small object may be stuck in one of its joints. If so, you should remove the blockage and reset the robot.

If nothing seems to be blocked, then you may need to update the robot’s software or firmware. To do this, open up the SKYMEE app on your device and select the ‘Firmware Update’ option. This will usually take care of any strange noises your robot is making.

If the strange noises continue after an update, then you may need to contact customer support. They may be able to troubleshoot and fix the problem over the phone or send out a technician for a more in-depth diagnosis.

  1. Moving Slowly

One common problem with the SKYMEE Owl Robot is that it may move slowly or get stuck. This could be due to the wheels getting blocked, or a worn-down battery.

If this is the case, you can try unblocking the wheels by wiping away any debris and checking that they are lubricated. You should also try replacing the battery as it may be weak or drained.

In some cases, the robot may be moving slowly due to connection issues. Make sure that your robot is connected to Wi-Fi and that all of the settings in the app are correct.

Additionally, check that the firmware is up to date and ensure that no external objects are blocking the robot’s movement. If everything appears to be in order, contact the manufacturer for further assistance.

  1. Robot Won’t Turn Off

on and off

One of the most common issues with the SKYMEE Owl Robot is when it won’t turn off. This can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you are trying to use the robot for an important task. Fortunately, there are several solutions to this problem.

The first thing to do is to make sure that the power switch is properly set to the “off” position. It may seem obvious, but it’s easy to overlook this step.

If that doesn’t fix the problem, then you may need to reset the robot. To do this, press and hold the “reset” button on the bottom of the robot until the lights turn off.

If you’re still having trouble, then you may need to disconnect the robot from its power source and wait for a few minutes before trying to turn it on again. This will ensure that the robot has had enough time to completely shut down and reset itself.


Finally, if none of these solutions work, then it’s possible that the problem could be related to a hardware issue. In this case, it’s best to contact the manufacturer or a certified technician for help.

No matter what issue you’re facing with your SKYMEE Owl Robot, it’s always best to refer to the user manual or contact customer service for further assistance.

With a little bit of patience and knowledge, you should be able to get your robot up and running in no time!

  1. Keeps Falling Over

Falling over is a common problem with the SKYMEE Owl robot. Fortunately, this issue can usually be solved by following a few simple steps.

First, make sure the robot is placed on a flat, even surface. If there are any obstructions such as furniture or carpet, move them away to ensure the robot has a clear path.

You should also check that the robot’s legs are completely flat on the ground and that the wheels are in good condition, free of any debris.

Next, make sure the robot is properly balanced. If the robot is too heavy on one side, it may cause the robot to fall over. Try adjusting the battery weight and make sure the center of gravity is correctly aligned.


Finally, make sure the sensors and motors are in good condition. The robot may fall over if its sensors are not calibrated correctly or its motors are not working properly.

To check this, you should open up the robot and examine the components. If anything looks damaged or out of place, replace it or contact customer service for help.

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