Even while KeySmart Pro is already one of the most well-known smart trackable key holders currently on the market, this does not imply that it is incapable of undergoing further development.
If you just got one of these gadgets lately, then it’s possible that you’ve already run into some of the problems with it that other people have encountered in their time using it.
Common KeySmart Pro Smart Trackable Key Holder Problems Troubleshooting
The following is a list of ten issues that are prevalent with KeySmart Pro, along with some advice on how to fix them in the event that you encounter them.
- The App Stops Working Randomly
The application is broken, and you can’t seem to locate your keys? There are a number potential causes for this to occur. First things first, check to see whether the app has been updated.
If that doesn’t work, you may also try turning off the wi-fi or Bluetooth on your phone to see if it helps. You might also try restarting your phone and attempting to access the app again after doing so.
On certain phones, activating the Bluetooth feature requires first activating the associated app.
You are able to accomplish this by hitting the OFF button in your notification tray, and then going into your settings and turning Wi-Fi and Bluetooth back on.
Now go back into your notification tray, scroll down until you see the word “On,” and then press it so that it changes to “Off.”
Now go back into your device’s settings and switch on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth once again. After that, go back into your notification tray once more, scroll down to On, and press it so that it turns off.
- The Battery Won’t Hold A Charge For Long.
The KeySmart Pro Smart Trackable Key Holder is notorious for having a short battery life, which is one of its most prevalent problems.
This occurs most often when individuals forget to turn it off after they have finished using it.
Before beginning to use your KeySmart Pro Smart Trackable Key Holder, it is recommended that you give it a charge so that you can avoid this problem.
When you are done, make sure the gadget is turned off and then put it into the charger. Unplug your KeySmart Pro Smart Trackable Key Holder as soon as it reaches its maximum charge so you may put it away till the next time you need it.
Also, The KeySmart Pro Smart Trackable Key Holder does not come with the key removal tool as part of the package when it is purchased.
There is a possibility that you may be charged an extra cost if you need more than one KeySmart Pro Smart Trackable Key Holder or are seeking for a certain color.
- The Charging Cord Is Not Functioning Properly
Because of the natural wear and tear that occurs with prolonged usage, the power cable that comes with the KeySmart Pro Smart Trackable Key Holder may eventually become inoperable.
This component is simple to repair; all you need to do is locate a USB cable that can charge mobile phones or other portable electronic devices.
- It’s Hard To Attach The Keychain
There is no guarantee that the KeySmart Pro will be compatible with your existing keychain. It could be difficult to attach your keychain if it is either large or excessively heavy.
The greatest thing you can do is acquire a keychain that is compatible with the KeySmart Pro that is both more compact and less in weight.
Before you connect anything, you need to make sure that the keys are appropriately positioned on the tracks and that they are pressed down firmly.
- Unable to Fit In The Car
One of the most common issues that individuals have with the KeySmart Pro is that they are unable to fit their keys into the ignition of their vehicle.
This is because the ignition region of their vehicle has been designed for usage by a physical key.
Before you purchase a new KeySmart Pro, double check that you are using the correct blade size and that you have researched any changes that were made by the manufacturer of your vehicle.
- The Keychain Falls Off Easily
One of the most widespread issues with KeySmart is that it may be removed without much effort. The problem may be fixed by repositioning the clip such that it is closer to one of the device’s ends.
This will make it more difficult for the clip to detach from the device. If you’re still having trouble, try attaching the clip to something more manageable, like a water bottle.
When it comes to bigger objects like purses and bags, you can take use of the chain’s entire length by looping it over the handle or strap of the item.
This will also keep the chain safe and easily available to you.
- When Giving The Keys A Shake, They Make A Rattling Sound
By inserting padding into the inside of the protective cover, you can stop the keys from rattling against one another and producing noise. It becomes to be too cumbersome to transport around:
If you want your KeySmart Pro smart trackable key holder to fit comfortably in your pocket without being too bulky, use an adapter on your belt loop or purse strap so that it sits securely.
If you want your KeySmart Pro smart trackable key holder to fit comfortably in your pocket without being too bulky, use an adapter on your belt loop or purse strap.
- The Keys Jingle Too Loudly
You may want to try tightening the screws on your keychain if your keys make an annoying jingling sound. In the event that this does not work, you will likely need a new ring.
The attachment that is supposed to snap in will not remain attached: Check to see whether there is sufficient tension for the snap-in connection, and tighten it more if required.
Doing so will allow you to repair the issue. The keys won’t connect to the lock:
To resolve this issue, first ensure that the holder has an adequate amount of tension, and then use pliers or any other appropriate instrument to tighten it more if required.
- The Key Holder Is Too Bulky
The KeySmart Pro Smart Trackable Key Holder is an excellent key holder that comes with a lot of capabilities, but it does have a few little negatives as well.
It may be tough to put in your pocket, and if you should lose your keys, it may be impossible to locate them if they are concealed by the item.
The KeySmart Pro Smart Trackable Key Holder is an excellent key holder that comes with a lot of capabilities, but it does have a few little negatives as well.
It may be tough to put in your pocket, and if you should lose your keys, it may be impossible to locate them if they are concealed by the item.
However, there is a simple solution to this issue, and that is to just remove the strap. You won’t have to worry about missing out on any of the advantages of owning a heavy-duty key holder at all!
- The Key Holder Isn’t Tracking The Keys
If you want to use the GPS feature on your KeySmart Pro Smart Trackable Key Holder, you need to make sure that both Bluetooth and Location Services on your phone are turned on.
This will allow the device to monitor whether or not your smartphone is within range of the device and let you know when it is no longer within range.
Even if everything else looks to be in working order, the possibility exists that the tracker won’t function correctly if these parameters aren’t enabled.
- Unable To Add Any More Keys!
Even though the KeySmart Pro Smart Trackable Key Holder is intended to store up to 10 keys, you could discover that you need a little bit more space than what is provided.
Check out this guide to learn how to remove links from your standard key ring and then utilize those links as extra KeySmart Pro Smart Trackable Key Holder links.
Keep in mind that there are always two sides to a link, and as you are taking links apart, you should be very careful not to remove any of the little end bits.
By doing this, you will be able to establish two new linkages without any spare parts being left behind.