8 Common Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights Problems Troubleshooting

common Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights problems troubleshooting
common Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights problems troubleshooting

If you’ve recently bought Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights, you may have run into some issues while setting them up or using them.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many people experience common problems with these LED strip lights, and in this article, we’ll show you the top 8 most common issues and how to fix them.

Common Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights Problems Troubleshooting

We’ll also provide tips on how to prevent these problems in the future. So, if you’re experiencing difficulties with your Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights, read on!

  1. The Lights Won’t Turn On

If your Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights won’t turn on, the first thing you should do is check the power source.


Make sure the battery pack is connected properly and that the switch is in the “on” position.

If that doesn’t solve the problem, make sure the wiring is correctly connected and that no wires have become disconnected or damaged.

If the issue persists, check to see if the battery pack is charged and replace the batteries if necessary.

If none of these troubleshooting methods work, it is likely that there is a problem with the lights themselves. Contact Ehomful customer service for further assistance.

  1. The Lights Are Very Dim

dim LED lights

Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights can sometimes seem too dim when they are first installed.

This could be caused by a few things, including improper connection of the wires or a weak battery.

To fix this issue, first check the connections to ensure that all wires are securely connected. If the connections are secure and you still find the lights to be dim, replace the battery.

The LED strip lights use 3V batteries which can be found in many electronic stores. Be sure to replace the battery with one of the same voltages so that it does not damage the lights.

You can also adjust the brightness settings of the lights depending on your preference.

screw driver

Many of these LED strip lights come with a remote control, allowing you to control the brightness from afar.

If you don’t have a remote control, you can adjust the brightness settings manually with a screwdriver.

Finally, if the LED strip lights still seem too dim, consider upgrading to a higher voltage battery.

This will give you more power and brighter light. Just make sure you buy a battery that is compatible with your LED strip lights.

  1. The Lights Are Flickering

If your Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights are flickering, it can be quite irritating.

check voltage

This issue is usually caused by a voltage drop in the power supply, or due to a malfunctioning component in the light strip itself.

The first step to solving this issue is to check the voltage of the power supply you are using. If the voltage is too low, the lights may flicker.

In this case, try using a different power source with a higher voltage. If the voltage is sufficient, then it is likely that one of the components in the light strip itself has failed.

The best way to fix this is to get a replacement light strip from Ehomful. Be sure to read through their return policy before purchasing a new one.

Finally, if none of these solutions work, it may be a sign of a more serious problem and you should contact customer support for further assistance.

  1. The Lights Are Too Bright

If you have purchased Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights and found them to be too bright for your room, there are a few solutions that you can try.

The first is to dim the lights. Most LED strips have a built-in dimmer feature, so it’s important to check the product manual to see if you can use this.

If not, you can try buying a compatible dimmer switch or installing a wall dimmer.

Another solution is to install light diffusers over the LED strip. Light diffusers are designed to evenly spread the light across a surface, reducing the harshness of bright spots.


They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you should be able to find one that fits the shape of your LED strip.

Finally, you can also try using colored gels or filters to reduce the intensity of the light. This is an easy and relatively inexpensive option, as colored gels are readily available at most craft stores.

Simply cut out a piece to fit your LED strip and attach it with some tape or glue.

With these solutions, you should be able to find the right level of brightness for your Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights.

  1. The Colors Are Inaccurate


One of the most common problems people encounter with Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights is that the colors may not be accurate.

This issue can occur for a few reasons. It could be due to an issue with the wire, as too many loose wires can cause a disconnect from the power source.

It can also be because of a poor connection between the power source and the LED strip lights, as a loose connection can affect how the light displays colors.

Finally, it can be caused by the use of wrong-sized batteries or an outdated battery pack, which can affect the power levels and color accuracy.


To fix this issue, start by making sure all your connections are secure and correctly fitted. Then, check your batteries and replace them if they are old or damaged.

If you need to purchase new batteries, make sure they are the correct size and voltage rating.

Finally, you may want to consider getting a new power supply if you find that the one you are using is not providing enough power for your LED strip lights.

  1. The Light Strip Is Too Short

If you find that your Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights are not reaching the area where you want them to, you may need to purchase additional strips.

ehomful led

Unfortunately, this is a common problem when using battery powered LED strip lights.

If you purchased a set that is too short to reach your desired area, you will need to purchase an extra strip or two and connect them together in order to make the necessary length.

Connecting multiple strips together is easy and can be done in minutes. You just need to make sure to use the provided connectors and follow the instructions provided in the installation guide.

Once connected, your extra light strips should be able to reach even the most difficult to reach areas with ease.

  1. The Adhesive Is Not Working


If you have recently purchased Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights, you may have noticed that the adhesive is not sticking onto your walls or other surfaces.

This can be a frustrating issue as it can prevent you from properly mounting your lights in the desired location.

The first thing to do when encountering this problem is to make sure that the surface is clean and dry.

Dust and dirt will affect the adhesive’s ability to stick, so make sure the area is free from any debris.

Additionally, you can use rubbing alcohol on a cloth or cotton swab to wipe down the area, as this will ensure that all traces of dirt are removed.

If this does not solve the problem, you may want to consider using a stronger adhesive such as double-sided foam tape or mounting putty.

These can be purchased at any hardware store and will provide a more secure mounting solution for your LED strip lights.

You could also try mounting your LED strip lights with screws or nails, if the surface allows for it.

Finally, if all else fails, you can always contact the manufacturer directly. They will be able to advise you on a suitable adhesive solution or suggest an alternative mounting method.

  1. The Battery Pack Is Not Working

battery charge

If you’ve experienced issues with your Ehomful Battery Powered LED Strip Lights not working, it could be due to the battery pack not working properly.

This issue is fairly common, as the battery pack is the power source for the LED strip lights. The good news is that there are a few solutions to help you get your lights up and running again.

One solution is to check if the battery pack is correctly plugged in. Make sure all the connections are secure and that it is properly connected to the LED strip light.

If this doesn’t work, you may need to check the batteries. Check to make sure they are fresh and have enough power to power the lights.

If the batteries are old or low on power, you may need to replace them. Another possible solution is to look for a damaged connection.


This can occur if you accidentally damage the battery pack when trying to plug it in or if something else caused a short circuit.

If a connection is damaged, you may need to replace the entire battery pack or the wiring associated with it.

Finally, if none of these solutions work, you may need to contact the manufacturer. They may be able to help diagnose and resolve any issues with the battery pack.

Additionally, they may have replacement parts if needed.

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