Along with the substantial presence of this brand in the commercial space, millions of homeowners across the nation rely on products from this brand.
From evaporative coolers to exceptional heaters, it brings a comprehensive comfort solution to your household.
The prices are not that competitive with this brand, but you will surely get optimal efficiency and performance consistency for an extended period.
There are also many brands that have positioned themselves as the Big Ass Fan alternative.
While these brands might be lacking a bit in quality, you will enjoy a far better price point on some of the Big Ass Fan alternatives. So, go through the following list to find a suitable fit for your smart home.
Big Ass Fan Alternatives
- MacroAir
While pricing is the biggest concern for most owners, another factor plays a huge role in the final purchase decision.
Owners often complain about excessive noise coming from the system, and you will occasionally struggle with the same issue. Luckily, MacroAir addresses this issue with its phenomenal fans.
You won’t have to worry about airflow with MacroAir, as they are known to provide exceptional performance while still maintaining a quieter pace. So, for this reason, MacroAir is the first alternative to Big Ass Fan.
- EPIC Fans
Next on the list are EPIC Fans, which bring a variety of lineups to the owners. From industrial applications to compact ceiling fans for your porch, you can browse through the different series of fans offered by this brand.
So, if you’re not that sold on the value proposition brought forward by MacroAir, this should be your next choice.
In terms of the pricing, these fans are much better than the Big Ass Fans. So, you will be saving hundreds of dollars when upgrading the cooling system in your household.
- Ramm Fence Fan
You shouldn’t expect much in terms of the basic design brought forward by the Ramm Fence fans.
This option is primarily designed for barns and other industrial applications, but recently many owners have been saying good things about the airflow offered by Ramm Fence.
So, if you’re looking for something with a cheaper price tag that can move a lot of air, then there is no harm in going with Ramm Fence.
This brand will consistently outperform the majority of alternatives mentioned here. However, it might look a bit out of place on your porch. So, match the design of this fan with the house aesthetics before spending extra money.
- Fanimation
Fanimation is considered the closest competitor to Big Ass Fan in terms of features. Even though the savings from this option won’t be that much, you will still be able to benefit from exceptional quality and utility features.
So, if you are not that concerned about the budget and need something to match the value proposition of the Big Ass Fan closely, then this will fit you nicely.
On the other hand, if you’re just trying to save money, then going with Ramm Fence will yield far better results. It all boils down to your airflow requirements and the noise levels that you’re aiming for.
- EquiBrit
The EquiBrit fans bring a similar design to Ramm Fence, but they are second to none in airflow.
The fans from this brand won’t look phenomenal or bring any smart temperature control features to your porch, but as far as the airflow is concerned, there won’t be any complaints.
So, if you’re looking for pure functionality and don’t mind the simple design of EquiBrit fans, then they will fit right into your budget and cooling system.
- TroposAir
Similar to MacroAir, TroposAir is also known for its quieter operations. Even when you’re using this fan at a slower speed, it can produce massive airflow through the porch.
On top of that, you won’t have to deal with any noise as you enjoy your time.
So, if you’re looking for more design varieties while still benefiting from the quieter operations of the fan, then TroposAir is a good option for you.
The majority of these alternatives are well within the budget range and bring closer resemblance to Big Ass Fans. So, if you’re not sold on spending hundreds of dollars on upgrading fans in your house, then there is no harm in trying out TroposAir.
- Google HVLS Fans
Google HVLS fans are known for their unique design and amazing airflow. You can choose through a variety of sizes here. So, this brand has got you covered at all price ranges.
Moreover, the humidity control and cooling configuration are much easier to set up.
If you’re not against the idea of spending a few bucks on a new fan, then Google HVLS is the way for you. It is true that design is not everything, but the reviews on this industrial fan model are too good to pass up.
Just make sure that there are no obstructions in the way of its massive blades. You won’t have to worry about maintenance for months. So, browse through the HVLS models to find the right fit for your warehouse.
- Lumens Xtreme
These fans are a bit on the pricier side and are meant for indoor use. The aluminum material used in these fans gives it the durability necessary to produce decent airflow. Furthermore, you will get around nine blades with this option.
This brand might not be that established when compared with other options mentioned here. However, many entrepreneurs had great things to say about Lumens Xtreme. So, there is no harm in trying out this lightweight yet effective fan.
The best thing about this fan is that it can adapt to a slightly sloped ceiling. You don’t need a perfect 0-degree angle here. There is a good wiggle room of around 20 degrees when dealing with the Lumens Xtreme models.
Here you should focus more on sourcing the fan from a reliable dealer. Customer support can be a bit unresponsive at times. So, you’ll have to wait to get relevant replacements for Lumens Xtreme.
- Hunter Fans
The reviews might be a bit mixed on this brand, with some customers complaining about the mounting bracket. However, there have been many great reviews as well reading the easy placement of these units.
You will get a more favorable price point with this brand. This is the main driving force behind the popularity of hunter fans. Moreover, the dealers are readily available across the nation. So, you won’t have to worry about getting scammed.
Moreover, the support here is one of the best on the market. Even if you do run into any issues with screws or the mounting bracket, just claim the warranty. You will be provided with a fresh replacement in no time.
Wrapping Up
Big Ass Fans might be one of the most popular options on the market, but you can’t always find a reliable dealer for this brand. Luckily, there are a ton of alternatives that you can choose from.
Brands like Fanimation and MacroAir have got you covered with the best performance.
Moreover, TroposAir and Google HVLS have also joined the conversation for the best fans on the market. All of these brands have a consistent history of satisfied customers.
So, you don’t have to worry about spending money on a bad unit.
Make sure to seek help from the dealer if you can’t find the right fit for your home. He will guide you accordingly on what fan will best fit your requirements.
There is no point in guessing the right unit when the expert support is just a click of a button away.
Similarly, if you’re looking for a fan to help you move air through a warehouse or any other storage, then the design shouldn’t be your concern.
Just find an option that provides you with an affordable price point, and that will be it. Hopefully, you’ll find the best fit for your project.