The Aura frame will sometimes run into upload issues if your internet connection is not consistent. Your best bet to make use of this frame is to pair it up with a decent network and make sure there aren’t any interferences between the router and the frame. A ton of complaints have recently been recorded on Aura Frame not updating Google Photos, and there is a chance that you’ll run into similar complications if the router connection is not managed properly.
If you’re running into similar issues with the frame and the frame is not updating Google Photos, then you should try going through some of these troubleshooting methods. Hopefully, you won’t have to reconnect the account to update the photos.
Aura Frame Not Updating Google Photos
- Check Hidden Section
If you’re sure that there is nothing wrong with your internet connection, then this issue with the Aura Frame not updating Google Photos can be linked with the incorrect placement of the pictures. If the pictures have been placed in the hidden sections, these won’t show up in the device. So, you need to make sure that the added pictures are not hidden and are added to a library that is presented on the screen.
- Retry Upload
It is also possible that the upload failed because of network-related issues. Sometimes, minor connection bugs can create these problems, and it is not that rare for users to run into this complication. It is true that Google Photos is the quickest option to upload pictures, but that doesn’t mean you’ll always avoid these minor bugs. So, just retry the upload and then check the Aura frame for these updated pictures.
- Reboot Your Router
If you’re not that sure about the router connection, then there is no harm in refreshing the network connection by rebooting the router. You won’t have to worry about starting the connection configurations from scratch with the reboot, and the Wi-Fi should automatically connect to the frame. So, it won’t take up much of your time, and you should be able to get the updated Google Photos from the Aura Frame device when the connection errors are fixed.
- Remove Wireless Accessories
Sometimes, you will have to address the interferences with other wireless devices when you’re dealing with this error. Most often than not, wireless accessories can cause issues with the connection, and it is a good idea to remove these accessories temporarily. After that, you can move up the router or the frame closer to each other and then check for updates through Google Photos.
You need to make sure that the internet is working perfectly through the router, and if there are indeed issues with the network connection, then your best bet is to rely on a different router. There is no point in keeping a defective router connected to your Wi-Fi, and resetting the network should eliminate these problems.
- Check Photo Order
At this point, you should also check for the chronological order of photos in your Aura frame. When there are thousands of pictures on the frame, it can take a while for the new pictures to update in the library. So, you just have to be patient or switch up the order of presentation through the frame settings. Most often than not, you will be able to get the updated photos through the frame within a 10-minute timeframe. Moreover, you won’t have to go through any fixes if you don’t mind this minimal delay.
- Power Cycle Aura Frame
Minor bugs with the frame itself can also be at fault when the Google Photos are not updating. There is a good chance that you will have to power cycle the frame completely to address these bugs. So, remove power from the Aura frame when it is not updating Google Photos and then connect the frame with the router one more time.
Hopefully, the issues with Aura Frame not updating Google Photos will be addressed at this point, and you won’t have to go through more fixes. On the other hand, if you’re not that lucky, just contact the dealer and have him help you with this issue. The Aura support is pretty responsive, and you won’t have to wait long for support.