6 Simple Solutions To Aura Frame Not Loading Photos

Aura Frame Not Loading Photos
Aura Frame Not Loading Photos

Not having your photos load in your digital frame can be a nightmare. While there’s no telling what could be the possible reason behind the issue unless you troubleshoot, you will still need to know what things you need to do.

Unfortunately, plenty of Aura Frame users have been reporting about their photos not loading at all. So, if you are also under the same situation, then there isn’t any need to worry. Here are all the solutions that you can try which should get your photos up on the frame.

Why Photos Are Not Loading On Your Aura Frame?

  1. Did You Try Waiting?

If you are trying to upload a huge number of photos or if you are currently subscribed to a cheap data plan, there’s a chance that it will take some time for the Frame to load the photos. Under such circumstances, you should wait at least a couple of minutes before you rule out an issue.

Ideally, we recommend that you try waiting 5 minutes for the message to disappear. However, if you are still seeing the “Loading photos” message, then there’s certainly something wrong.

  1. Going Through a Power Cycle

Now, you should start with going through a quick power cycle. To do this, you will need to unplug your frame from the outlet disconnecting it from any power source. After keeping it unplugged for 15 seconds, try reconnecting the router.

This should make the device cycle through power after which it should start running again. If it does not, then keep on following the next step.

  1. Moving Frame Closer To Router

There’s a chance that you might have the router placed too far apart from the router. If that is the case, then you are bound to experience problems with loading your photos. Range issues can cause your internet to slow down on the device, and the photos might take an eternity to load.

To prevent this from happening, all you have to do is to place your router a bit closer to the router. You can also try temporarily moving the frame directly next to the frame.

  1. Rebooting Wi-Fi Router

Sometimes, your internet can start acting up. Similarly, under most circumstances, the only thing you need is a reboot from your router before your internet starts working perfectly fine.

Though it is still worth mentioning that if this does not work, then you could be facing an internet problem. In such cases, you will have to get in touch with the customer support team and let them know about the issue. Likewise, they should be able to get your internet running again.

  1. Changing Your Network

Just in case, we recommend that you try using a different network. It could be that your current home network is not working as mentioned earlier in the previous step. Temporarily, you can try using your cellular network and lowering the number of photos being uploaded.

This will rule out the possibility of having problems with your network or the images size being too big for the upload to take time.

  1. Contacting Support

If you are still getting the loading photos message on your frame, then you might be facing a more technical fault. At this point, you should definitely try referring to the support team. Not only will they have a better idea on what might be causing this, but they should also be able to suggest further solutions that you can try to get this fixed.

The Bottom Line:

Photos not loading on the Aura Frame is a very common issue that you may stumble across. However, if you wish to learn how you can fix this issue, you should try following the above-mentioned steps. Doing so should help you be able to get rid of the error message and have your photos displayed on screen. Just make sure to not miss out on anything important!

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