Even though the Sengled bulbs are not as popular as the Philips smart lights, you can still save a lot of money on this option. So, if you’re working with a limited budget and need smart lights for your home, then going with Sengled is a better option. Even though you won’t enjoy the same quality as the Philips smart bulbs, these lights will still pretty good value to your home.
With that said, there have been a few queries on Alexa not discovering the Sengled bulb. It can be somewhat annoying to deal with this issue. Luckily, there are a few methods that can be used to get ahead of this problem with the smart unit.
How To Fix Alexa Not Discovering Sengled Bulb?
- Check Network
The most common reason why users struggle with this issue is being on the wrong network. Even when both units are working perfectly, Alexa won’t discover Sengled bulbs if they are connected to another network. So, you will need to use the mobile application to verify that both the Alexa and the Sengled Bulb are on the same Wi-Fi. After that, you can try to go through the discovery process again, and it should connect with Alexa.
If you’re sure that the Wi-Fi network is the same, then power cycling the router and reconnecting it with your Sengled bulb can also help in this situation. Many users have pointed out that bulbs started working after resetting the connection between the router and the bulbs. So, you should follow a similar method and reset the router if you don’t get anywhere with the issue.
Ideally, the issue should be fixed at this stage, and the Sengled bulb will connect to Alexa. However, if you’re still stuck in the same problem, then it might be a good idea to contact customer support and have them help you through the problem. They will save a lot of your time, and your issue will be fixed within a few minutes.
- Fix Alexa Error
Sometimes even when the Sengled bulbs are working perfectly and connected to the same Wi-Fi network with Alexa, you can still run into issues where the application will show discovery issues. Most of the time, the device gets discovered by Alexa and added to the smart system, but it still shows a false error message. So, you’ll need to isolate the problem by asking Alexa to turn on all lights.
When this command is given to the Alexa, it will most likely turn on the Sengled bulbs, and you will be sure that they are connected with the smart system. At this point, you can try to refresh the skill in the application and try to add the device again. On the other hand, you can choose to leave things as they are and control the Sengled bulb through Alexa.
Make sure to inform Amazon customer support regarding this issue and have them help you get ahead of this problem. The problem is related to their application, and there is nothing wrong with your smart device. So, asking the professionals will help you get ahead of the issue much faster.
- Reset Application
If the Sengled bulbs don’t come on after you give the command to Alexa, then your best bet is to reset the application after removing the skill and add it again. It will only take a few minutes, but there is a good chance the Sengled bulbs will start responding to Alexa commands afterward. All you need to do is remove the skill from the Alexa application and then go to the application setting to clear data.
Once the data is cleared, you can open up the application again and add the smart skill again. Then go through the discovery process, and it should connect to the Sengled bulb. Try the command to turn on all the lights, and the Sengled bulbs will come on. Now, you can further customize the settings according to your smart system.
All in all, these were a few methods that you can use to get the smart system working perfectly. If the issue is not with the Sengled bulbs, then make sure to involve experts from Amazon customer support. Otherwise, you will be spending hours on fixing this issue without any success.