6 Things To Do If Reolink Camera Is Not Powering On

reolink camera not powering on
reolink camera not powering on

Reolink cameras don’t have that good of a reputation on the market, and you’ll come across a ton of people complaining about power issues with these cameras. These issues with the camera don’t present themselves right away, and you’ll notice battery complications a few months after the purchase. The quality of connections isn’t that great either, and the Reolink camera can be a bit annoying to manage.

If you’re in the same shoes with the Reolink camera where it is not powering on, then all hope is not lost. You can still go through a few troubleshooting methods to get everything in order. So, follow through with these steps, and you won’t have to worry about the camera again.

How to Fix Reolink Camera Not Powering On?

  1. Try Reconnecting Battery

If you’re lucky, the fix to this situation is as simple as reconnecting the battery to your camera. So, if your camera is in good shape, and it has been only a few weeks since its purchase, just reconnect the battery to your camera.

That should be enough to fix your situation with the Reolink camera not powering on. Hopefully, you won’t have to go through any further steps, and the problem will be addressed at this point.

  1. Check Connection Points

The connection points can also be a bit rusty, and you need to check the condition of the battery compartment to isolate the issue further. In most cases, you will get an appropriate response from the camera once the battery has been reinstalled in the unit.

However, if the connection points are not in good shape, you should clean them up a bit and make sure that their alignment is perfect. All your focus should be on streamlining the battery connections and avoiding further issues with the Reolink camera.

  1. Get A New Battery

At this point, there is a good chance that your battery is at fault here, and you need to get a new battery to fix your camera power issues. It won’t take up much of your time to get a replacement. Moreover, the new battery won’t be pricey and will last you for a longer period. So, just get a new battery if you’ve not been able to get the camera powered on after going through the steps mentioned above.

  1. Check For Hardware Issues

There is always a chance that your camera is damaged and won’t respond to any input. If your unit is also in rough condition, then it is not a bad idea to take it to a repair center. The smarter thing to do here would be to get a new unit, but there is no harm in trying your luck with a repair center. You might be able to save a few bucks by getting it repaired if it is slightly damaged.

  1. Try Resetting Your Camera

On the other hand, if you believe the issue to be related to the programming of the unit and you can see the status light turning on after reinserting the battery, then you should try the reset routine. This method will only help you get a response from the camera when the power connections are optimal, and you won’t be able to reset Reolink when it is not powering on. So, keep that in mind and make sure that the camera has access to a stable power source before going through with a reset.

  1. Get Help From The Dealer

These power issues with the camera usually present themselves later down the road, and you can easily forward a warranty claim when these issues appear as soon as you install the camera. The unit might have gotten damaged during delivery, and you can reach out to the dealer regarding a replacement. That way, you will be able to secure a new piece without worrying too much about performance-related complications.

Overall, the issues with the Reolink camera not powering on are usually not that serious. You’ll be able to get everything in order once the battery has been replaced. However, if the camera is defective or damaged, your best bet is to get a new unit by claiming a warranty. You can’t fix a broken camera yourself. So, order a new one or claim the warranty.

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