When it comes to lighting efficiency, you won’t find a better option than T8 LED units. Not only are these lights more suitable for energy management, but you won’t have to worry about excessive heat radiating from these lights. So, if you’re thinking of upgrading the lighting in your garage or laundry room, going with the GE T8 LED bulbs is the safer choice.
The only issue you’ll face with these T8 LED bulbs is during the installation. If the GE T8 Bulbs are not working, there is a chance that you’ve messed up the installation. So, here are a few fixes that can help you get ahead of these lighting issues.
Fixing GE T8 LED Bulbs Not Working:
- Check Ballast Condition
While your T8 LED bulbs might be in good condition, the situation of the ballast has a key role to play in the functioning of your unit. There is a decent chance that the ballast is damaged if you’re not wiring the T8 LED bulbs directly. So, make sure to start with the inspection of the ballast when you’re not getting any response from GE T8 LED bulbs.
In most situations, replacing the ballast is the only thing you can do to get the system working again. So, grab a compatible ballast from your nearest hardware store if you don’t want to rewire the lighting in your smart system.
- Rewire T8 Bulbs Directly
The fix used by the majority of owners is rewiring the T8 bulbs directly and removing the ballast. The tubes might not look as elegant without the ballast, but you won’t have to go through extra expenses.
So, if you’re just looking for new lighting for the garage, just rewire the T8 bulbs directly, and you won’t have to spend any budget on ballasts for the T8 Bulbs. The only downside here is that the tubes can look out of place without the ballast.
- Go Through Ballast Compatibility Guide
It is also pretty common for owners to make use of older ballasts that are not compatible with the GE T8 LED bulbs and don’t bring the same wattage to these lighting units. So, you need to go through the ballast compatibility guide on the official page and match the model number with the ballast in your garage.
Most often than not, you’ll find that the ballast installed in your garage is not compatible, and you need to upgrade to a better wattage to get the lights working again. It can be a fair bit of expense to upgrade the complete lighting system in your household, but you won’t have to worry about the tubes once the new ballasts are installed.
- Check For Damaged Wires & Corroded Connections
If you’re sure that the ballast installed in your house is compatible with the demands of the GE T8 LED bulb, then the issue is likely with the wiring connections. Either the wiring connections have come loose, or you’re dealing with frayed sections. The only fix for this situation is to replace the damaged wiring.
Similarly, if you’re only dealing with loose connections and the condition of the wiring is good, then you can get ahead of this situation by securing the connection points properly. This would streamline the flow of the power to the tube, and you won’t have to bother with GE T8 LED bulbs not working.
- Get A Replacement Tube
Ideally, this issue with the GE T8 LED bulbs should be fixed once you check for the ballast issues. There is a good chance that the ballast on your system is not compatible with the tubes, and replacing them is the only real solution. So, you should always double-check the compatibility of the ballast if you’re not getting any response from these LED bulbs.
On the other hand, if you’ve checked all the factors mentioned here, then the possibility of a defective LED bulb increases by a massive margin. So, you’ll have to get yourself a new unit if the GE T8 LED bulbs are not working. To be sure, it is a good idea to involve the experts in this situation and have them help you narrow down on the cause behind the lighting issue.